Welcome to Nicolet College

Your path to success begins at Nicolet College. Our main campus is located in Rhinelander, Wisconsin on the shores of beautiful Lake Julia, but our reach extends to academic centers throughout the district and through our online classes and programs. As the center for higher education in the Northwoods and beyond, we offer occupational training and a university-level liberal arts education all designed to meet your schedule, support your lifestyle, and ultimately, lead you to the job you want anywhere in the world.

Our Mission

In service to the people of Northern Wisconsin, we deliver superior community college education that transforms lives, enriches communities, fosters economic development, and expands employment opportunities.

Nicolet By The Numbers


Part-Time Students


Students Age 0 - 29


Students Age 30+

1869 Total Credit Students

Our students represent a diverse group ranging from online students, full-time attendees, part-time enrollers, working parents, high school students, first-gen learner, career builders, retirees and more.

map of Nicolet College district in Wisconsin
Historic photo of students on campus

Our History

Nicolet College campus

Explore Campus

Adult students talking in lounge

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