3.01 Campus Security

Title: Campus Security
Number: AP 3.01
Adopted: November 1997
Reviewed: August 2023
Revised: December 2023

Campus Reference Materials
 Complete information related to the above-listed areas is contained in the following media:
Annual Security Report                                                                                                  This document is compiled annually and contains all of the 20 USC Sec. 1092(F) Clery Act reporting requirements, Section 304 of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) (Pub. Law 113-4), and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 20 USC Sec.1232(g) notification. The guide is emailed annually to all employees and students enrolled in credit courses before October 1st.
 2. Annual Cleary Crime Statistics
 3. Emergency Response
This is a quick reference guide for various emergency situations. The app is available through digital download https://nicolet-20502.web.app/.
 4. Emergency Response Plan
This is a complete detailed document for all emergency responses and business continuity planning. The document is only intended for use by the Emergency Response Team and emergency responding agencies.

Emergency Contact Number:

Call 911 for police, fire, or medical.

Non-Emergency Contact Numbers:

Campus Security


Emergency Response Team

(Internal calls only) Extension: 4999



Information Technologies Department   


Welcome Center                                  


Oneida County Sheriff’s Department      


Security and Access to Campus Facilities

The College has Campus Security but does not have arrest powers. Security officers have the authority to ask persons for identification and to determine whether individuals have lawful business at the College. College security officers have the authority to issue parking tickets and to enforce College policy.

The College uses local law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction over the Rhinelander Campus and Outreach Centers to investigate and enforce ordinances and criminal laws. The Oneida County Sheriff’s Department has jurisdiction over the Rhinelander Campus and periodically patrols the Rhinelander Campus.

The College is a non-residential college and therefore does not provide 24-hour security coverage. Facilities and security personnel patrol the grounds of the Rhinelander Campus while the campus is open. Facilities and Security regularly check outdoor pathway lighting, egress lighting in hallways and stairwells, fire extinguishers, and AEDs.

The Rhinelander Campus is accessible to students, staff, and the general public during normal business hours. However, the campus grounds at both locations are open to vehicular and pedestrian access 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The College-controlled buildings are locked when not in use. All public access buildings on the Rhinelander Campus use a card access system and digital video systems.

The College does not have any officially-recognized student organizations with off-campus locations.
Possession, Use, and Sale of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs

The College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of controlled substances, including but not limited to alcohol, prescription, and illicit drugs on any College-controlled premise or College-sponsored event As outlined in Alcohol and Drug Use AP 4.05. Sanctions for individuals who violate College policies may include expulsion and/or termination from the College, with referral to local law enforcement for violations of local ordinances and criminal laws. Information on alcohol and drug addiction treatment centers and clinics is available in the College Safety and Security Resource Guide Annual Security Report.
Emergency Response App and Evacuation Procedures

Each classroom has an evacuation map. Also, everyone can electronically access the Emergency Response App, https://nicolet-20502.web.app/, which indicates what to do in the event of most emergency situations. This includes shelter locations for severe weather and evacuation routes, and staging areas for fire emergencies.

The College holds evacuation and/or shelter-in-place drills at least once each academic year. The College also conducts evacuation, tornado, and shelter-in-place drills at least once each academic year. New employees must also complete an online FEMA active shooter training. All employees should review the Emergency Response App regularly to be prepared in the event of an emergency.

Crime Prevention and Security Procedures

The College prohibits any criminal activities, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, Crime prevention, security procedures, and practice information presented during employee online orientations and periodically during in-service training. The online employee orientation, crime prevention, and security procedures covered include primary prevention and awareness programs that promote awareness of rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. All students will be sent the Annual Security Report with all this information and given a link to the security page for new students. The employee orientation includes the following information:

  • A statement that the College prohibits these and other criminal offenses
  •  The definition of the specific offenses listed above; The definition of consent, with reference to sexual offenses;
  • Safe and positive options for bystander intervention an individual may take to prevent     harm or intervene in risky situations;
  • Recognition of signs of abusive behavior and how to avoid potential attacks; and
  • Ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns for students and staff on all of the above.

In addition, facilities, risk management, and security personnel conduct routine inspections and patrol buildings and grounds to identify and correct deficiencies. Being proactive is preferable to being reactive. Crime prevention is based upon the dual concepts of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities whenever possible and encouraging students and staff to be responsible for their security and the security of others. The following is a list of campus crime prevention tactics that may reduce the risk of becoming a victim. Some recommendations include:

  • Walk on established walkways. At night walk on lighted walkways.
  • Always lock your vehicle.
  • If on campus in the evening, park close to the building in lighted areas and walk with others.
  • Items of value left in vehicles should be placed out of sight.
  • Never leave items of value unattended.
  • Promptly report any suspicious behavior to Campus Security
  • Do not leave keys, access cards, or valuables unattended.
  • Always lock doors in unattended office areas.
  • Never give out computer passwords.
  • When working during non-business hours, inform family and colleagues of your location and schedule.

Recommended security procedures are located in the College Emergency Response App.
Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is an offense classified as a forcible or non-forcible sex offense under the uniform crime reporting system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Consent is defined as “words or overt actions by a person who is competent to give informed consent indicating a freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact.” Minors (under 18), persons with a mental illness or defect, and sleeping or unconscious persons are presumed unable to consent. Failure to resist does not indicate consent. Ch. 940.225(4), Wis. Stats.

Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities such as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, sexual assault of a child, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.

Information and resources related to sexual assault can also be found in the College Annual Security Report.
Sexual Assault Prevention
The College offers the following guidelines to aid in preventing sexual assault. Additional guidance and specific training information can be obtained from the agencies listed in the
Annual Security Report.

The following information can also be referenced at The Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault at http://www.wcasa.org

The Drugs Rohypnol and GHB are the most frequently used in drug-facilitated rapes. Because these are often colorless, odorless, and tasteless, they can often be easily mixed into an unattended drink and unknowingly consumed. It is strongly suggested that you only accept drinks from service workers such as bartenders and not leave your drink unattended.

Remember that nearly 7 in 10 (70%) of sexual assault victims knew their attacker. It is reported that drugs and alcohol are an important influencing factor in non-stranger (date/acquaintance) rape.

You may be able to reduce your risk by following these recommendations:

  • Park and walk in well-lighted areas and follow the other pertinent crime prevention strategies listed under Crime Prevention and Security Procedures outlined above.
  • Trust your instincts. If the situation feels uncomfortable, leave immediately.
  • Be assertive and expect respect.
  • Stay sober. Be aware of date-rape drugs. Do not leave your drink unattended.
  • Do not accept food or drinks that are opened or not directly from the server.
  • Be cautious when inviting someone into your home or going to someone else’s home.
  • Use a buddy system. Always make sure that someone else knows who you are with, where you will be, and when you are expected to return.
  • Carry a cell phone and/or have money available for a phone call or transportation to get away if necessary.

Sex Offender Information

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (section 1601 of Public Law 106-386) is a federal law enacted in 2000 that provides for the registration and notification of convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by higher education institutions. As provided in the Wetterling Act (amended by the CSCPA), any person required to register as part of a state sex offender registration program must notify the state regarding each institution of higher education in which the person is an employee or student. Sex offender information in the State of Wisconsin is compiled by the Department of Corrections (DOC).  

To learn the identity of registered sex offenders on or near campus or anywhere in Wisconsin, visit http://appsdoc.wi.gov/public. Registered sex offenders, who are students at Nicolet College, are obligated to notify in person the Manager of Risk, Compliance, and Safety in Red Oak Center, Room 216 that they are attending a class or a program at the college and are registered with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. They must also bring a class schedule and any restrictions. Failure to notify the college violates the Student Code of Conduct and is subject to possible conduct sanctions. A student is defined as any person who attends and/or is enrolled in any classes or program at the College. 

Stalking Laws

Individuals being stalked on College-controlled premises or at College-sponsored events should notify Campus Security or the ERT. If this action is taking place at an off-site location, it is strongly suggested that you involve law enforcement immediately. Stalking is defined in Ch. 940.32, Wis. Stats.  Individuals who have been a victim of stalking and/or have a restraining order against another individual should inform Campus Security. This is especially important if the person who is the object of the restraining order is a student or employee at the College.


The College does not tolerate harassment. Victims of harassment or sexual harassment on College-controlled premises or at College-sponsored events should notify Campus Security. Employees who engage in harassment will be subject to disciplinary action and/or termination. Students who engage in harassment are subject to the Student Code of Conduct and will face disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Community members engaging in harassment will be turned over to local law enforcement.

For any additional information, please see the Harassment and sexual harassment are defined in Board Policy 4.02. 

Wisconsin Victim Rights

  • To be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect for your privacy.
  • To not have personal identifiers, including email, disclosed or used for a purpose unrelated to the official duties of an agency, employee, or official.
  • To be informed of your rights and how to exercise those rights.
  • To information regarding the offender's release from custody.
  • To be notified of a decision not to prosecute if an arrest has been made.
  • To speak with (confer) the prosecutor representative upon your request about the possible outcome of the case, potential plea agreements, and sentencing options.
  • To attend court proceedings in the case.
  • To be notified of the time, date, and place of upcoming court proceedings if requested.
  • To be provided with a waiting area separate from defense witnesses.
  • To a speedy disposition of the criminal case.
  • To have your interests considered when the court is deciding to grant a request for a delay (continuance).
  • To be notified if charges are dismissed.
  • To be accompanied to court by a service representative. This right is limited to specific types of crimes.
  • To request assistance with your employer, if necessary, resulting from court appearances.
  • To request an order for, and to be given the results of, testing the offender for sexually transmitted diseases or HIV. This right is limited to specific types of crimes.
  • To provide a written or oral victim impact statement concerning the economic, physical, and psychological effect of the crime upon you to be considered by the court at sentencing.
  • To have the impact of the crime on you included in a presentence investigation.
  • To be provided sentencing or dispositional information upon request.
  • To restitution as allowed by law.
  • To a civil judgment for unpaid restitution.
  • To compensation for certain expenses as allowed by law.
  • To have your property expeditiously returned when it is no longer needed as evidence.
  • To be notified of the offender's eligibility for parole and to have input into the parole-making decision.
  • To be notified by the Department of Corrections of specific types of releases, escapes, or confinements as provided by law.
  • To be notified of a pardon application to the governor and to make a written statement regarding the pardon application.
  • To contact the Department of Justice about any concerns you may have about your victim rights.
  • To apply for a judicial restraining and/or other no-contact orders. The College can assist with the enforcement of these orders.

Sexual Assault Bill of Rights

  • Survivors shall be notified of their options to notify law enforcement.
  • The alleged victim and the alleged offender must have the same opportunity to have others present.
  • Both parties shall be informed of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding.
  • Survivors shall be notified of counseling services.
  • Survivors shall be notified of options for changing academic situations

Crime Reporting Procedures

The College encourages prompt and accurate reporting of all crimes, assaults, or suspicious behavior to local law enforcement. Report any offense occurring on a College-controlled premise, during a College-sponsored event, at an off-campus event, and when safe to do so, also report the incident to Campus Security 715-365-4420 or the Emergency Response Team (Extension 4999), who will take action and issue a timely warning if the perpetrator remains at large while making every effort not to identify the victim.
 Key contact numbers are found in the Emergency Response App in Nicolet College buildings, classrooms, and on the College website.
The College crime reporting policy requires all staff to report crimes and/or suspicious behavior to Campus Security, the Emergency Response Team, or law enforcement. When deemed appropriate, college officials will involve local law enforcement agencies. All crime information (including anonymous reports) reported to Campus Security, Campus Security Authorities, and/or the Emergency Response Team is recorded in the Daily Crime Log. If the crime meets a Clery Act Reportable category, it is included in the annual Clery report. All crimes and behavioral violations (student and staff) are recorded and maintained by the Manager of Risk, Compliance, and Safety.
While the College does not have pastoral or professional counselors on staff to work with victims, it can assist students by providing information on various private and public options for such services. One such option
is the contracted counseling group the College has made available to meet with students on our campus during the week.

Emergency Crime Reporting Procedures

Call 911 immediately in the event of an emergency, which is defined as any event that may pose a significant threat to the life, safety, or health of students and/or employees. After contacting authorities, if the situation allows, call College Security at 715-365-4420. If that’s not possible, call or contact any College employee.
Crimes May Be Reported Anonymously

The College will honor an individual’s request to remain anonymous. Contact Campus Security at 715-365-4420 or the Emergency Response Team (ERT) Extension:4999 and inform them of your wish to remain anonymous. This same process can also be followed when reporting to local law enforcement.
Fire Safety Report and Missing Student Notification Procedures

The College is a commuter (non-residential) college. Therefore, these statistics and procedures are not collected or in existence. They only apply if a College maintains student housing.
Reporting Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Sexual Violence, and Stalking

See AP 3.07 Title IX and Violence Against Women Act
Timely Warning of Potential Threats

A timely warning will be issued in the event a significant emergency, an ongoing or continuing threat to personal safety, or a dangerous situation arises. The decision to issue a timely warning will be based on information and facts received by the College and if possible, verified by outside agencies (law enforcement, Emergency Management, Health Department, National Weather System, etc.). The ERT will determine the content of the notification and when to initiate the notification system. Notification may be delayed when the professional judgment of outside emergency response agencies indicates immediate notification would compromise safety and security. Selected ERT members will determine the content of the notification and when to initiate the notification system.
In situations that may pose an immediate physical threat to members of the campus community (e.g., murder, severe weather, fire, gas leak). The Emergency Response Team may issue warnings through the College Informacast System, RAVE, and/or email system to students and employees. Depending on the situation, other notification processes may be
used (i.e., learning management system, College website, emergency speaker systems, fire alarms, tornado sirens, and media releases). The Clery Act mandates that victims’ names be withheld for crimes considered a threat to other students and employees. 

The Emergency Response Team may also determine a specific segment of students and staff who need notification. This decision will be made in conjunction with the appropriate outside agency. If that is the case, the Emergency Response Team will make a determination of how to best convey that information to the specific segment.
Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the Emergency Response Team immediately.
College Student and Employee Conduct Investigations Related to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking 
See AP 3.07 Title IX and Violence Against Women Act
Disclosure of Student Disciplinary Proceedings for Violent Crimes or Non-forcible Sex Offenses

The alleged victim of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense may make a written request to disclose the results of any disciplinary hearing conducted by the College against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense.
If the alleged victim is deceased due to the crime or offense, the next of kin of the alleged victim shall be treated as the alleged victim about disclosure. The College will provide the results of the disciplinary hearing to the alleged victim’s next of kin, if requested

 Daily Crime Log

The purpose of the Daily Crime Log is to record criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents reported to Campus Security and crimes that are initially reported to another campus security authority or a local enforcement agency and subsequently reports them to Campus Security.  Crime Log entries include all Clery-related crimes reported to Campus Security for the required geographic locations and discloses specific information about criminal incidents, not crime statistics. The Daily Crime Log is designed to disclose crime information on a timelier basis than the annual statistical disclosures. The victims' confidentiality will be protected, including record-keeping that excludes personally identifiable information on victims. Daily Crime Log discloses specific information about criminal incidents, not crime statistics.

An entry, an addition to an entry, or a change in the disposition of a complaint is recorded within two business days of the receipt of the information by Campus Security. Updates to the disposition of a crime log entry will not be made if 60 business days have passed from the entry date. A business day is Monday through Friday, except for days when the College is closed. The only exceptions to this rule are:

  • If the disclosure is prohibited by law; or
  •  If the disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim.
    Campus Security may temporarily withhold information if there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the information would:
  • Jeopardize an ongoing investigation;
  • Jeopardize the safety of an individual;
  •  Cause a suspect to flee or evade detection;
  •  Destroy evidence.
    However, the information will be added to the Daily Crime Log once the adverse effect is no longer likely to occur.
    The Daily Crime Log
    is located on the College website on the security page https://www.nicoletcollege.edu/about/college-information/security. A hard copy is maintained by the Manager of Risk, Compliance, and Safety and is located in Red Oak Center, Room 216, and the Security Office.

Annual Clery Crime Statistics

Nicolet College complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act and prepares an annual report of crimes that have occurred on the Rhinelander Campus and at Outreach Centers. The report can be found on the College website on the security page or may be obtained from Campus Security. As required by law, the report is also distributed annually to students and staff by October 1st. Campus crime, arrests, and referral statistics include those reported to local law enforcement and to College officials, including anonymous reports. In an effort to obtain the statistics from local law enforcement, Campus Security makes a written request to each local law enforcement agency to obtain a listing of any crimes they had reported to them and/or they had investigated. The reported crimes are also maintained in a Daily Crime Log, located on the College website on the security page.

 Clery Act Addendum Requirements

The Campus SaVE Act (the “SaVE Act” or “Act”) applies to almost all institutions of higher education since it is directed toward those that participate in financial aid programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. It became effective on March 7, 2013 as part of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) and amends the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (known as the Clery Act).

The Act requires higher education institutions to report crime statistics and disclose security-related information in several ways:

It adds offenses involving domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking to the crimes that institutions must report and include in their annual security reports (ASR).

It expands the categories of reportable “hate crimes” to include those based on bias against gender identity or national origin.

The policy statements filed as part of the ASR must now include detailed descriptions of the institution’s internal procedures in cases of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, as well as descriptions of its education and prevention programs.

Campus Security Authorities

A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is an individual, who by virtue of their college responsibilities and under the Clery Act, is designated to receive and report criminal incidents to the Manager of Risk, Compliance and Safety of Clery Act Compliance so that they may be included and published in Nicolet Colleges Annual Security Report.  Training on appropriately handling reporting crimes, victim relations and support, and related school policies is required.  CSA Members include:

  • Members of the Emergency Response Team
  • Campus Security Staff
  • Student Conduct Committee
  • Human Resources Staff
  • College Administration (moved)