Mosaics with Stained Glass

Category: Private Events
Categories: Event
Event Locator: 2024-AAJPWS

Mosaics – with Stained Glass
Tuesdays and Thursdays, September 17 - 26
4 Sessions | 5 – 8 pm
Nicolet College, Tamarack Center 213
Instructor: Mary Tyler
Maximum 10 Students

Learn the basics of making a mosaic, including glass cutting, layout, design, and grouting. At the first meeting, students will work on a set project to learn how to use mosaic tools, cut glass, and complete your first mosaic. During the remaining classes, you will design and develop your own project. All necessary supplies will be provided. Students may choose to provide additional supplies for their individual projects, such as a picture frame or small decor item. This will be discussed at first meeting.

Community Education & Outdoor Adventure