Areas of Need
We continuously recruit Adjunct Instructors in a wide range of academic and occupational programs. View our Employment Opportunities to learn about current position openings for Part-time Adjunct Instructors. Follow the application procedure for each position in which you would like to be considered. Applications will be reviewed as needs arise.
Expectations for Adjuncts
An adjunct instructor reports to the dean or director of a particular area.
You would be responsible for instruction in your field of expertise, with variable hours that may include day, evening, and/or weekend teaching assignments. In addition, you will develop and revise curriculum cooperatively with other instructors. You must also demonstrate Nicolet's core abilities.
At Nicolet College, core abilities are derived from what is common among the diverse sets of program goals represented in this comprehensive community college. The core abilities become not only a part of student development in and out of the classroom, but also serve as a touchstone for student-centered decision-making throughout the college. In essence, core abilities are the outcomes that document achievement of our purposes and keep us focused on the mission, vision, and values of Nicolet College. Nicolet's core abilities include: Apply mathematic, scientific, artistic and technological concepts; build community; communicate effectively; embrace lifelong learning; live ethically, and; think critically and creatively.
Preparations & Skills
In addition to the Faculty Quality Assurance System Requirements qualifications include:
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience with best practices in your occupational area.
- Demonstrated ability to work both independently and cooperatively and to organize activities and assignments.
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively with students of varied ages, learning styles, and cultural backgrounds in a classroom setting.
- Demonstrated attention to detail to maintain accurate attendance and scholastic records of students and submit required reports according to published deadlines.
- Good technology skills to enhance teaching and learning and other aspects of work.

Community Education Adjunct Teaching
Do you have an idea for a Community Education class and a special talent or expertise you would like to share? Become a Community Education instructor and share your knowledge with others. We are continuously seeking Community Education Adjunct Instructors throughout our district. These non-credit courses include a variety of personal interest topics such as the following:
- Arts and Crafts
- Sewing and Quilting
- Computers and Technology
- Food Preparation and Cooking
- Dance
- Gardening
- Health and Fitness
- Personal Finance
Community Education Instructors do not have to meet Faculty Quality Assurance System Requirements. Please submit your class idea using the button below or contact CE@nicoletcollege.edu and 715-365-4544.