Past Exhibits
Opening Reception for WRAP: Wisconsin Regional Art Program

Our opening receptions are a highlight, offering a chance to meet the artists, explore new exhibitions, and celebrate the arts with music, fellowship, and refreshments. These events are free to attend (unless otherwise noted) and provide the perfect opportunity to connect with Northwoods arts enthusiasts. We invite you to visit our beautiful campus, stroll through the exhibits, and experience the creativity and inspiration on display.
The Wisconsin Regional Art Program (WRAP) encourages nonprofessional, student, and emerging artists to create and exhibit their work across Wisconsin. It is for people who have a serious interest in art, and create art for the love of art. WRAP originated as an outreach program of UW-Madison but is now administered by the Association of Wisconsin Artists. Each WRAP site has a judge who selects works eligible for the state competition. The judge also provides invaluable encouragement and feedback to the exhibiting artists.
This year’s Nicolet College judge and workshop instructor is Wolfgang Ryan. He uses repurposed found objects in unexpected ways to create sculptures that amuse and confound the viewer. Ryan’s art seeks playful conversations with art history, popular culture, literature, mythology, and philosophy, with allusions to history and science. In his 2023 exhibit at ArtStart entitled All Over the Place, Right Here, Ryan tackled everything from skateboarding to the multiverse and a few things in between. More information at
Opening Reception: The Art of Culinary at Nicolet College
Join the opening reception to view this exhibit, connect with others, and enjoy light food and drink.
The third in a series of exhibitions highlighting the intersection of Nicolet College’s occupational programs and the creative arts, the Art of Culinary will highlight the delicious connection between art and food. It is said, we eat first with our eyes. We also consume art, and it feeds our soul. View this interplay of food and art as we showcase one of the many programs offered at Nicolet College – Culinary. The Art Gallery will be stuffed with an abundance of tasteful, culinary-themed artworks from artists across the Midwest.
During the Art of Culinary, Chef Mitch and Nicolet College Culinary students will host several culinary experiences with the exhibit between December 9 - January 24. Watch your email and the Arts & Enrichment social media for details. Artists can enter to be in the show from 8/12 - 10/18 at or inquire at
The Art of Culinary at Nicolet College

Opening Reception: December 12, 4-7 pm
The third in a series of exhibitions highlighting the intersection of Nicolet College’s occupational programs and the creative arts, the Art of Culinary will highlight the delicious connection between art and food. It is said, we eat first with our eyes. We also consume art, and it feeds our soul. View this interplay of food and art as we showcase one of the many programs offered at Nicolet College – Culinary. The Art Gallery will be stuffed with an abundance of tasteful, culinary-themed artworks from artists across the Midwest.
During the Art of Culinary, Chef Mitch and Nicolet College Culinary students will host several culinary experiences with the exhibit between December 9 - January 24. Watch your email and the Arts & Enrichment social media for details. Artists can enter to be in the show from 8/12 - 10/18 at or inquire at
Opening Reception: Adam Stuart Solo Show
Join the opening reception to view this exhibit, connect with others, and enjoy light food and drink.
Adam Stuart grew up in a marshy place in the Saginaw Bay area of Michigan. He has a passion for nature that drives his work into areas of sculpture and drawing. Adam primarily works with clay, fibers, and various drawing techniques. His works often revolve around the human body, its experiences in space, and its interactions with other beings and objects. His artwork is playful and curious, often drifting into realms of absurdity. The imagery he creates also pulls from his experiences as a queer person growing up in a conservative environment, but also how that relates to the delicate ecology of the natural habitats in which he immerses himself.
Adam has taught ceramics classes to adults for over nine years. He achieved his BA at Saginaw Valley State University with honors, Magna cum Laude in 2015. He graduated from Washington State University with an MFA in 2023. He has been an art instructor at Washington State University, Nicolet College, Interlochen Center for the Arts, and Eastern Michigan University in the Fall of 2024. He has taught for non-profit art studios such as Studio 23 The Arts Center, The Artisans at the Dahmen Barn, and Nicolet College Arts and Enrichment program.
Adam Stuart Solo Show

Opening Reception: October 17, 4-7 pm
Adam Stuart grew up in a marshy place in the Saginaw Bay area of Michigan. He has a passion for nature that drives his work into areas of sculpture and drawing. Adam primarily works with clay, fibers, and various drawing techniques. His works often revolve around the human body, its experiences in space, and its interactions with other beings and objects. His artwork is playful and curious, often drifting into realms of absurdity. The imagery he creates also pulls from his experiences as a queer person growing up in a conservative environment, but also how that relates to the delicate ecology of the natural habitats in which he immerses himself.
Adam has taught ceramics classes to adults for over nine years. He achieved his BA at Saginaw Valley State University with honors, Magna cum Laude in 2015. He graduated from Washington State University with an MFA in 2023. He has been an art instructor at Washington State University, Nicolet College, Interlochen Center for the Arts, and Eastern Michigan University in the Fall of 2024. He has taught for non-profit art studios such as Studio 23 The Arts Center, The Artisans at the Dahmen Barn, and Nicolet College Arts and Enrichment program.
Opening Reception: Arts for Every Body
Join the opening reception to view this exhibit, connect with others, and enjoy light food and drink.
This exhibition tells the story of how our community participated in a nationwide campaign aimed at demonstrating how the arts can lead to healthier people and communities. It all began with a local youth skate park advocacy effort in partnership with ArtStart that grew into a national conversation around cultural engagement and mental wellbeing. One Nation/One Project (ONOP) is the organization that backed this effort, designed to activate the power of the arts to heal our communities. ONOP launched a national advocacy effort around the impact of the arts on our heath called “Arts for Every Body.” As a participant, Rhinelander hosted a community-wide Push Against Loneliness event on July 27, 2024, in solidarity with the other 17 sites that participated, which culminated in the unveiling of a public art installation piece.
Our community has spent the past two years collaborating with social service organizations, artists, and residents to create spaces that explore the intersection of arts, skateboarding, and mental health. This exhibition will feature artwork from Rhinelander’s process and highlight lead artists Norma Dycus Pennycuff and Witt Siasoco. It highlights how their own artistic practices informed a creative framework for civic engagement, skate park advocacy, and awareness around social isolation. This exhibit tells the story of this meaningful project and shares the artwork created along the way.
Arts for Every Body: Rhinelander

Opening Reception: August 15, 4-7 pm
This exhibition tells the story of how our community participated in a nationwide campaign aimed at demonstrating how the arts can lead to healthier people and communities. It all began with a local youth skate park advocacy effort in partnership with ArtStart that grew into a national conversation around cultural engagement and mental wellbeing. One Nation/One Project (ONOP) is the organization that backed this effort, designed to activate the power of the arts to heal our communities. ONOP launched a national advocacy effort around the impact of the arts on our heath called “Arts for Every Body.” As a participant, Rhinelander hosted a community-wide Push Against Loneliness event on July 27, 2024, in solidarity with the other 17 sites that participated, which culminated in the unveiling of a public art installation piece.
Our community has spent the past two years collaborating with social service organizations, artists, and residents to create spaces that explore the intersection of arts, skateboarding, and mental health. This exhibition will feature artwork from Rhinelander’s process and highlight lead artists Norma Dycus Pennycuff and Witt Siasoco. It highlights how their own artistic practices informed a creative framework for civic engagement, skate park advocacy, and awareness around social isolation. This exhibit tells the story of this meaningful project and shares the artwork created along the way.
Reception for 37th Annual Northern National Art Competition
The opening reception is an opportunity for attendees to get a first peek at one of the premiere art shows in Northern Wisconsin, and then join Brehmer as she shares her remarks on the curation of this prestigious show.
Tickets to the reception are $20 and include heavy appetizers, refreshments, and thoughtful comments by the judge. Purchase tickets in advance through the Nicolet College Art Gallery by calling 715.365.4556 or emailing Tickets can also be purchased at Childs Frame Company in Rhinelander and from members of the Northern Arts Council. Limited seating available.
The annual Northern National Art Competition is a cooperative venture between Nicolet College Arts & Enrichment and the Northern Arts Council that aims to share resources as well as community art and cultural activities in Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida, and Vilas Counties. The show attracts hundreds of entries nationwide, showcasing a cross section of contemporary art in a variety of two-dimensional mediums.
This year’s show will be juried by Debra Brehmer, an arts writer and curator, who owns and operates Portrait Society Gallery, a contemporary art space in Milwaukee. She was also the former editor and publisher of Art Muscle magazine. Prior to opening the gallery, she taught art history as an adjunct professor for 10 years at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.
37th Annual Northern National Art Competition

The annual Northern National Art Competition is a cooperative venture between Nicolet College Arts & Enrichment and the Northern Arts Council that aims to share resources as well as community art and cultural activities in Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida, and Vilas Counties. The show attracts hundreds of entries nationwide, showcasing a cross section of contemporary art in a variety of two-dimensional mediums.
This year’s show will be juried by Debra Brehmer, an arts writer and curator, who owns and operates Portrait Society Gallery, a contemporary art space in Milwaukee. She was also the former editor and publisher of Art Muscle magazine. Prior to opening the gallery, she taught art history as an adjunct professor for 10 years at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.
The opening reception is an opportunity for attendees to get a first peek at one of the premiere art shows in Northern Wisconsin, and then join Brehmer as she shares her remarks on the curation of this prestigious show.
Registration deadline for artist consideration is Friday, March 15. Submit your entry at Tickets to the reception are $20 and include heavy appetizers, refreshments, and thoughtful comments by the judge. Purchase tickets in advance through the Nicolet College Art Gallery by calling 715.365.4556 or emailing Tickets can also be purchased at Childs Frame Company in Rhinelander and from members of the Northern Arts Council. Limited seating available.