The Nicolet College Financial Aid Office has been assisting Veterans, service members, and qualifying family members with their educational benefits for decades. Nicolet College is proud to support our Nation’s military and it is a privilege to serve those that have served our country. Our School Certifying Official (SCO) serves as a liaison between our military-connected students and various federal, state, and local agencies. The SCO is a part of the Financial Aid Office and is located in the Red Oak Center on the second floor.

In order to certify Veterans’ educational benefits, the SCO needs the following information/documentation:
- Completed Veterans Education Benefits-Certification Request Form here: https://nicoletcollege.tfaforms.net/f/VA_student_information
https://nicoletcollege.tfaforms.net/f/VA_FAQs_Consent - Benefit student is eligible for (see benefits listed below) along with a copy of applicable documentation
- Veteran’s DD-214
- Certificate of Eligibility
- Notice of Eligibility (NOBE) for National Guard Tuition Reimbursement
Veteran’s Educational Benefits
Federal VA educational benefits must be applied for through the US Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). The quickest way to apply is online at http://www.gibill.va.gov
For additional support in applying for federal benefits, please contact the VA at 1-888-442-4551 or use the online support offered through their website.
About Federal VA Education Benefits
Once approved for benefits through the DVA, the student must be enrolled in an approved associate degree or technical diploma program. Only classes within the student’s program are covered by the benefit.
Veterans have 10-15 years from their separation date to use their federal educational benefits. However, if the separation date is on or after January 1, 2013, and the Veteran is eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill (trademark) benefit, then lifetime access applies. Benefits are payable for 36-48 months while enrolled in school. It is the responsibility of the student receiving Veteran’s educational benefits to notify the School Certifying Official of any changes in enrollment within five (5) days of the change. Withdrawals could result in a debt with the VA and/or Nicolet College.
About State VA Education Benefits
There are a variety of Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs (WDVA) programs available. Determination of eligibility and obtainment of applications is done through the County Veterans Service Office http://wicvso.org/locate-your-cvso/.
VA Payment Policy
In accordance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-407), Nicolet College allows Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®) and Chapter 31 (Vocational Readiness and Employment) beneficiaries, with a valid Certificate of Eligibility or VAF 28-1905, to attend a course of education or training for up to 90 days without payment. Nicolet College will not impose a penalty, require the beneficiary to borrow additional funds to cover tuition and fees, or drop the beneficiary due to late payments from VA.
Nicolet College Catalog
The 2024-2025 Nicolet College Catalog provides information about the College, enrollment, financial aid, policies and procedures, students rights and responsibilities, campus security, and educational offerings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to verify my attendance to the VA every month?
Only students who are using Chapters 30, Chapter 33, and 1606 have to verify attendance to receive their monthly housing allowance. This is done via text message or email. Chapter 35 students will be contacted by the VA directly if verification is needed. VA contact information: 1-877-823-2378 or https://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do
Can I apply for Financial Aid if I am using my VA Benefits?
Yes, you can, and we encourage all our Veteran students to apply by completing the FAFSA at https://studentaid.gov
How do I contact my School Certifying Official?
Nicolet College’s School Certifying Official is located in the Financial Aid Office, on the second floor of the Red Oak Center. Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The School Certifying Official can be contacted by calling 715-365-4471 or email kpontbriand@nicoletcollege.edu.
Contact Information
Veterans Services
Red Oak Center
P: 715.365.4471
800.544.3039 ext 4471
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