• Office Management

    Office Management Programs

    Start Your Career in Office Management

    Advance from the Receptionist diploma to the Office Assistant diploma to the Office Management associate’s degree. With each level you'll develop skills that focus on office production, management practices, communication, and business operations. If you like working with details, and you're good at organizing and budgeting, this may be the program area for you.

    Explore Office Management Programs
    Office Assistant Technical Diploma
    Office Management Associates of Applied Science
    Receptionist Technical Diploma

    See What Office Management Is All About

    Nicolet has been great for me. The flexibility of my instructors, my peers along with my academic advisor– Nicolet is home to me.


    Lacey, Office Management Graduate

    Prior Learning

    Before you start a program, learn how your past experience can save you time and money. You may have previous education and work experience that could qualify for Credit for Prior Learning.

    Visit Virtually with University Representatives

    Learn more about transferring credits or a degree from Nicolet to a 4-year university by viewing our transfer guides below.

    UW-Stevens Point Visits
    Tuesday, February 25
    11 am - 1 pm
    Red Oak - 3rd Floor 

    Wednesday, March 19
    11 am - 1 pm 
    Lakeside Center - 1st Floor Commons

    Connect with Us

    Are you ready to get started?

    Say “Hello” to our Admission Reps They’re ready to connect with you about planning for college.

    maggie Jensen staff photo
    Call or text at 715.365.4957
    Staff Photo of Cooper Burns
    Call or text at 715.365.4470

    Take A Closer Look

    Visit us on-campus or virtually to learn more about Nicolet College. Schedule a campus tour or meet with an Admissions Rep to discuss your plans for college. Once you connect with us, we know you’ll love it.