Tribal Business Management

Tribal Business Management

Technical Certificate

Develops the skill of people who work or plan to work in a tribal organization or Native American business environment. Areas covered include fundamental management skills and how a native nation's historical, legal, political and cultural context impact an organization's work.

  • Instructor teaching
  • Business Management student in Mole Lake

    Program Outline

    Term 1
    Course # Course Title Credits
    1010210600 Business Essentials

    This class helps new Nicolet students make a successful transition to the College. The course is a chance for students to learn College resources, practice pacing and time management, grit and the learning management system. Students also receive an introduction and have opportunities to practice professional business communication.

    1010214000 Fundamentals of Tribal Management

    Examines the basics of business and management in a tribal organizational context or Native American business setting. Topics are approached from a culturally relevant perspective and include leadership, human resource development, sustainable resource building, entrepreneurship and program planning. Prerequisite: 1010210600 Business Essentials (C or better).

    1010214100 Advanced Tribal Management

    Studies the governance and administration of contemporary Native Nations. It examines legislative, executive and judicial structures and functions, as they relate to nation rebuilding. Students study a Nation’s major executive/administrative functions recognizing that effective administration is a key to self-determination and sovereignty. The course places contemporary challenges in a historical context. Prerequisites: 1010214000 Fundamentals of Tribal Management (C or better) and 1010214200 Tribal Supervisory Management (C or better).

    1010214200 Tribal Supervisory Management

    Explores management theories and strategies for effective supervisory management in a tribal organizational context or Native American business setting. This course merges tribal traditions or knowledge with business management as tools for successful supervisory management. Topics covered include federal Indian law, business ethics, strategic planning, job analysis and the employee performance evaluation process as tools for effective workforce development and supervisory management. Prerequisites: 1010214000 Fundamentals of Tribal Management (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed) and 1010210600 Business Essentials (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed).


    At A Glance

    How You'll Learn


    On Campus

    icon of instructor teaching


    icon of instructor and student

    Optional Lab Support

    Spring 2025 Start Dates

    January 13 - 16-Week Spring Term Start
    March 10 - Additional 8-Week Term Start for Select Courses

    Summer 2025 Start Date

    May 19 - 12-Week Summer Term Start
    June 16 - 8-Week Summer Term Start

    Fall 2025 Start Dates

    August 25 - 16-Week Fall Term Start
    October 20 - Additional 8-Week Term Start Start for Select Courses

    Program Tuition*


    *Total cost for degree completion is estimated by current course requirements, books, and supplies. Tuition and fees are set by the Wisconsin Technical College System and subject to change.

    You may experience these additional costs, not charged by Nicolet, estimated based on length of program.

    Personal Expenses

    What You'll Learn

    • Understand the relationship between a Native nation's legal, political and cultural context and the workplace
    • Lead, motivate, and supervise others
    • Plan and execute projects and everyday operations
    • Manage organizational culture
    • Manage organizational personnel and non-personnel resources

    Your Potential Careers

    • First Line Supervisor/Manager
    • Administrative Services Manager
    • Program Manager

    Median Annual Salary

    $67,271 $78,454 $81,275
    Local State National

    Lightcast 2023.1

    Get Started

    Your application can be submitted online, it takes just a few minutes to complete.

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    Business Management student in Mole Lake

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