Earn your GED or HSED

Earning a high school credential produces a sense of pride and accomplishment. It also opens doors to new and exciting opportunities for personal and professional growth. Nicolet College’s Academic Success Center works with you, at no cost, to develop your personal education plan to help you work toward your GED/HSED.

Receive Free GED/HSED Test Prep Online

Free individual GED/HSED instruction is available online or in-person in multiple area locations. Additionally, a competency based HSED is available, which requires no testing.  Students can call 715-365-4455 or email academicsuccess@nicoletcollege.edu for further information.


Learn More To Earn More

Individuals with a high school diploma or GED/HSED on average make over $190 weekly earnings and have a lower unemployment rate than those who do not.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Career Outlook, April 2018(link is external)

Why is the GED/HSED Important?

Most employers today require at least a high school diploma or the equivalent. The GED and HSED are high school equivalency tests that meet this requirement. The GED is accepted by most employers, technical colleges and community colleges. However, some employers, universities and branches of the military require a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED).

Know the Difference Between the GED and HSED

The GED/HSED are the two types of high school equivalency credentials offered by the State of Wisconsin that measures skills expected of high school graduates. The GED is considered a General Education Development Certificate, while the HSED is a High School Equivalency Diploma. Both the GED and HSED require passing (5) computer-based exams in the areas of:

  1. Reasoning Through Language Arts
  2. Social Studies
  3. Science
  4. Mathematics
  5. Civics

*The HSED also requires Health, plus Career Planning and Employability Skills

Earning a GED or HSED in Wisconsin

All interested candidates MUST:

  • Be at least 18 years old

  • Be a Wisconsin resident or have lived in WI for at least 10 days, or be a migrant worker, or the child of a migrant worker

  • Not be currently enrolled in a high school, or have a high school diploma


Each content area exam is $33.75, with the exception of Civics, which is $10. Health (if applicable) and Career Planning/Employability are free. Please note a “retest” fee of $10 may be applied if a passing score is not obtained the first time taken. GED vouchers are available if the payment of the test fees would present a substantial financial hardship.


The State of Wisconsin requires all GED/HSED applicants attend a mandatory orientation. Here you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about registering, preparation and testing practices, scheduling, graduation, and more.

More information and study resources can be found at ged.com(link is external).

Take the First Step

Contact us today. We're here to support your academic journey and help turn your educational goals into a reality.

Academic Success
Lakeside Center - Second Floor
P: 715.365.4455
800.544.3039 ext 4455
TTY: 800.947.3529
 or 711

E: academicsuccess@nicoletcollege.edu