Learning Never Retires
Learning in Retirement was created for and is directed by retired and semi-retired Northwoods residents. The program offers short-term learning experiences in a relaxed, informal, and friendly environment. This is learning for the sheer pleasure of it. There are no grades, no tests, and no required attendance.
Membership is open to anyone age 50 and older. Current members come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, but all share a common belief – that learning is lifelong.
Become an LIR member!
Annual membership will be valid July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025.
Check out upcoming classes!
A range of classes are offered year round for members.
"I've met some wonderful friends through Learning in Retirement and have learned amazing things. I love the wide variety of options offered."

LIR Mission
To value lifelong learning by providing educational and social opportunities which are stimulating, exciting, challenging, and fun.