Take a Non-Credit Class
Non-credit classes include professional development, public safety training, certification and licensing, Outdoor Adventure,
and other personal enrichment classes. There are several ways for you to register.
By Email
Email registrations or questions:
By Mail
Send registration form and payment to:
Nicolet College
ATTN: CE Registration
PO Box 518
Rhinelander, WI 54501-0518
By Phone
800.544.3039 ext 4544
TTY: 800.947.3529 or 711
In Person
Nicolet College - Northwoods Center
5364 College Drive
Rhinelander, WI 54501
Registration Information
Submit your registration form and payment at least five business days before the first day of the class.
- You will receive a confirmation of your registration, including any notes about your class, in the mail after your registration is processed.
- Contact the Continuing Education Registration Office at 715.365.4544, or 800.544.3039 ext 4544, if you want to drop a class. To receive a refund, you must withdraw prior to the start date of the class.
- If a class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, you will be notified and your money will be fully refunded.
- Students will be notified if class sessions need to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, such as severe weather or instructor conflicts. Refunds will not be issued unless 25% or more of the course is cancelled. Attempts to schedule makeup dates will be made.
- An email address is required if receiving a certificate of completion. If applicable to the class, Nicolet College issues digital certificates (eCertificates) and will no longer provide printed copies. This new service allows students to have permanent, online access to a secure digital version of their certificate. Students can download their electronic certificate, print it, share it on social media, and/ or email it to an employer or others.
- Students who have unpaid financial obligations to the college may be ineligible to register for Continuing Education classes and will not receive certificates of course completion until financial obligations have been satisfied. Please contact the Nicolet Business Office at 715.365.4458 for more information.
- Out-of-state students (except for residents of Minnesota and Michigan where reciprocity agreements apply) may be charged nonresident tuition as required by the Wisconsin Technical College System. Nonresident tuition does not apply to personal interest or hobby courses.
- Cancellation and Refund Policy for Outdoor Adventure Classes If you are unable to attend a confirmed class, for any reason, please notify us at 715.365.4544 or 800.544.3039 ext 4544 as soon as possible. Cancellations made less than ten days prior to departure or no-shows may not receive a refund. This policy is effective for all trips unless otherwise noted.
Nicolet College is committed to creating a web experience that is accessible for all users based on the standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). If you have any issues using this website or accessing documents and information, please contact the Manger of Risk, Compliance, and Safety at mdassler@nicoletcollege.edu.

Register Today