Student Employment

Become a Peer Tutor
- Student tutors receive payment for providing tutoring services
- To apply to become a peer tutor, contact the Peer Tutoring Program
- Complete the Tutor Employment Application
Lakeside Center - 2nd Floor
Student Information Desk
Phone: 715.365.4455
Email: tutor@nicoletcollege.edu
Apply for Work Study Through Financial Aid
Federal Work Study (FWS) is a federally funded aid program designed to provide part-time employment for eligible students. Students who demonstrate financial need based on their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and complete the work study application, are awarded FWS funds on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are exhausted. If financial aid is awarded too late in the year, students may not receive a FWS award due to lack of funding regardless of whether they had a FWS award in the past. Contact the Financial Aid Office to be placed on the FWS waiting list.
Financial Aid Office
Red Oak Center - Room 217
Phone: 715.365.4488
Email: ernameth@nicoletcollege.edu
Nicolet College is committed to creating a web experience that is accessible for all users based on the standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). If you have any issues using this website or accessing documents and information, please contact the Manger of Risk, Compliance, and Safety at mdassler@nicoletcollege.edu.