Outside Scholarships
There are numerous scholarship opportunities for students. In addition to the Nicolet College Foundation, students can apply for scholarships from civic organizations, churches, employers, parent(s) employers, and scholarship databases.
Fastweb Scholarship Database is a reliable source for scholarship opportunities. Be safe when applying for scholarships! Do not apply for any scholarship that requires a deposit or cash payment of any kind.
If you receive an outside scholarship, be sure to let the financial aid office know so that those funds are reflected in your financial aid.
State of Wisconsin Scholarships
Nicolet College offers two scholarships sponsored by the state of Wisconsin. There are some general requirements students must meet for any of the state scholarships.
- Be a resident of the state of Wisconsin.
- Have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.
- Be enrolled in an undergraduate degree or certificate program.
- Male students are required to register with the United State Selective Service System. https://www.sss.gov/
- May not be listed on the Department of Workforce Development’s statewide Child Support Lien Docket, unless the student has an approved payment plan.
Academic Excellence Scholarship
Academic Excellence Scholarships (AES) are awarded to Wisconsin high school seniors who have the highest grade point average in each public and private high school throughout the State of Wisconsin. The number of scholarships each high school is eligible for is based on total student enrollment. To receive a scholarship, a student must be enrolled on a full-time basis by September 30th of the academic year following the academic year in which he or she was designated as a scholar. The value of the scholarship is $2,250 per year, to be applied towards tuition. Half of the scholarship is funded by the state, while the other half is matched by the institution. Eligibility must not exceed 8 semesters.
Technical Excellence Scholarship
Technical Excellence Scholarships (TES) are awarded to Wisconsin high school seniors who have the highest demonstrated level of proficiency in technical education subjects. The value of the scholarship is up to $2,250 per year, to be applied towards tuition. Students wishing to be considered for the TES must meet eligibility criteria set by the Wisconsin Higher Educational Aids Board (HEAB) and must be nominated by Nicolet College.
Nicolet College Foundation Scholarships
There is money available to help you pay for college – you just have to apply. Hundreds of scholarships are made possible because of the generosity of the many friends and supporters of the Nicolet College Foundation. Foundation scholarships help lower the cost of a college education, allowing students to focus more on education.
- Scholarship applications are accepted twice a year during the month of February for the following academic year and in September for the following spring and summer terms. Exact application dates may vary.
- Current and future students are encouraged to apply.
- Scholarships may be applied to tuition and books.
- Scholarships generally range from $250 - $10,000.
- The minimum cumulative GPA or other qualifying test score equivalent is 2.0.
- All you have to do is complete one general application to apply for most foundation scholarships. After you submit your general application, you may see a list of additional scholarships, for which you may also apply by answering additional questions.

My time at Nicolet has helped me realize how I can reach my goals and how I can work harder to reach new goals. My scholarship helped me take the steps in the right direction.