Plan Your Lunch at Top of the Hill

The student-run Top of the Hill restaurant offers a range of cuisine styles from around the world. As part of their learning curriculum, students of the Culinary program offer unique and delicious food for students, staff, and community members during the Spring Term of each year. Experience new and creative tastes as student chefs create themed menus for delicious lunch buffets.

Top of Hill is Open for Spring 2025

Top of the Hill is open Tuesdays and Thursdays for reservations between 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. Reservations are required, so please call 715-365-4466 to secure your reservation. Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Accepted

student chef mixing cherries in a bowl

Top of Hill is Open for Spring 2025

Top of the Hill is open Tuesdays and Thursdays for reservations between 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. Reservations are required, so please call 715-365-4466 to secure your reservation. Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Accepted


Thursday, January 23 - Flavors from the Heart of Italy Buffet

Tuesday, January 28 - Grab and Go Deli Open 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Thursday, January 30 - Oktoberfest Buffet by Student Chef Becky Visser-Breezer


Tuesday, February 4 - Closed to prepare for High School Open House Event

Thursday, February 6 - High School Open House Event

Tuesday, February 11 - Grab and Go Deli Open 10:30 am-12:30 pm

Thursday, February 13 - A Trip to Southeast Asia Buffet by Student Chef Chris Hoessel

Tuesday, February 18 - Grab and Go Deli Open 10:30 am-12:30 pm

Thursday, February 20 - A Taste of the Mediterranean Buffet by Student Chef Jason Jones

Tuesday, February 25 - Grab and Go Deli Open 10:30 am-12:30 pm

Thursday, February 27 - A Taste of Mexico Buffet by Student Chef Dante Wolfe


Tuesday, March 4 - Grab and Go Deli Open 10:30 am-12:30 pm 

Making Reservations

We will start taking reservations at 9:00 am on Tuesday, January 21st.

Reservations for the Top of the Hill Buffet Dine-In or Pickup can be made by calling 715-365-4466 between 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students will take reservations at this number as often as possible to enhance their learning opportunities. We will answer the phone as often as possible during this class, and we apologize for missing your call. We will fill very quickly this year due to a low number of service dates. We apologize in advance for this. 

Since we fill up so quickly and we would like to allow as many of our community members to enjoy the cuisine from the Top of the Hill, we ask that each person limit their reservations to one visit.   After January 23rd, if there are still openings, we welcome you to make additional reservations or request to be placed on our waiting list.

Thursday Lunch Buffets will feature themed cuisine buffets during the first seven weeks of this class. The “Themed Cuisine Buffets” will offer International and National Cuisines that the students plan and prepare, using fresh ingredients and various foods to fit the cuisine. These are very popular with Top of the Hill customers, so make sure you get your reservations immediately!  Buffets are $15.00 + tax per person.

Tuesday’s service will be in the Grab and Go Deli this year. Reservations are not required for these service dates, but customers will be taken on a first come-first served basis.

Reservations for Thursday Buffets are required and will be taken for times between 11:00 am and 12:15 pm in 15-minute increments. We request that you please be on time for your reservation, to prevent a bottleneck in the dining room. 

If classes at Nicolet College are canceled because of inclement weather, all Top of the Hill services will be canceled for that day, and there will not be a make-up service date. 

Thank you for supporting our students! Without customers like you, it would be hard for the students to learn within our hands-on laboratory classes at “The Top of the Hill.” 

The other side of this has the service schedule for the first seven weeks of class. The semester is divided into two parts; we will begin taking reservations for our A’ La Carte Service in early March as soon as the schedule is published. A’ La Carte Service will start towards the end of March. Please watch for updates and the A’ La Carte schedule before that.