Student Life
Your experience as a Nicolet student is much more than your attendance in the classroom. Every time you meet someone new, attend a career workshop, or join a club, you are developing yourself both personally and professionally. Becoming an involved student helps you grow and opens a new world of opportunities.
Participate In Leadership
Take advantage of opportunities that will help you develop new skills, gain experience, and enhance your resume.
Join Clubs for You
Join one or more of our student clubs to gain educational experience and meet fellow students with common interests.
Graduation is a huge part of your student experience. Learn more about this celebration!

The Lakeside Market
Lakeside Center - First Floor
The self-service market features snacks, beverages, sandwiches, and healthy grab-and-go options. Coffee lovers will find a fully-automated, touch-screen coffee brewer with Starbucks and Peet’s coffee, as well as a variety of hot specialty drinks. You’ll experience the convenience of self-checkout with multiple payment options, and an app for download to make purchases and manage your account. The market will be open extended hours, virtually anytime the Lakeside Center is open.
97% of students are happy with their experience at Nicolet.
Campus Security
Located in Red Oak Center – 207C, Campus Security is here to keep you safe and comfortable. Contact Campus Security to resolve any safety concerns at 715-365-4420.
Parking & Disability Permits
Contact Campus Security for questions about parking and permits. Parking on campus is convenient and free; just make sure to read the parking signs. Vehicles parked in “No Parking” or undesignated areas will be ticketed. Cars should not be left on campus overnight.
Disability Permits
Only park in the reserved disability parking spaces if you have a State disability permit or have received a temporary permit from Campus Security.
Reserve a locker through the Business Office in the Red Oak Center – Second Floor or by calling 715-365-4458. Lockers are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Deposits are $10 per semester.
Lost & Found
Bring any found items to the Welcome Center in the Red Oak Center - Second Floor. If you’ve lost a belonging, stop by to see if it was found. Or call 715-365-4493.

Student Services

Academic Support