Accommodations & Disability Support
The Disability Support Services (DSS) program provides academic support and accommodations to students with documented disabilities.
If you would like to request accommodations any upcoming terms, you can begin the process here by clicking the REQUEST ACCOMMODATIONS box below. A follow-up appointment can be conducted by phone, email, or virtual meeting.
We're Here to Support You
DSS services are designed to help students succeed at Nicolet. The most successful students are the ones who recognize their own support needs and ask for assistance prior to starting the term. DSS staff recommends students schedule a consultation on services and procedures. During the consultation, students and staff will have the opportunity to ask questions, review previous records, and go over accommodations that may be necessary.
We help students blend what they know about themselves with appropriate accommodations to reduce barriers to learning. We try to "level the playing field" so all students have an equal opportunity for a successful education. The college has a long history of serving students with a wide variety of disabilities, working to ensure each student has the reasonable accommodations and services they need to enjoy academic success.
Our staff in the Disabilities Support program brings years of experience and considerable skill to the table. Students will find that we work hand-in-hand with instructors and other staff across campus to make sure reasonable and appropriate accommodations are made for all persons with disabilities. The Accommodations Specialist offers assistance to students who are blind or visually impaired, cognitively delayed, intellectually disabled, deaf or hard of hearing, emotionally disabled, learning disabled, autism spectrum disorder, orthopedically impaired and/or have communication disorders or other health impairments.
Please access and download the Nicolet College Disability Support Services Handbook (PDF) here.
Stop By for a Talk
Aren't sure if you have a disability or even how a disability is defined? Stop by and we'll talk. We have a broad base of knowledge and resources to handle just about any question or situation faced by students with disabilities. Even if you don't have a disability, we'd be happy to answer your questions. It's important to note that all conversations are strictly confidential.

Services Include:
Disability Support Services program and accommodations include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Adaptive Equipment
- Alternative Testing Procedures
- Disability Parking Permit
- Large Print Materials
- Note-taking Assistance
- Personal Guidance and Support
- Sign Language Interpreters
- Software and Hardware Technology
- Textbooks Available in Audio Format
- Transition from High School
Staff can also provide information on the following:
- Career planning
- Campus tours
- Academic advising
- Student counseling
- Job placement assistance
- Transition to college
- Financial Aid
- Admissions application assistance
- Other community services
Utilization of support services for students with documented disabilities is voluntary. Disclosure of request for services will not affect enrollment status or placement into a program or class.
Web Accessibility
Nicolet College recognizes the importance of ensuring that our website is accessible to those with disabilities.
We are continually seeking solutions that will bring all areas of the site up to the same level of overall web accessibility and are committed to making the Nicolet College website accessible to all users and to meeting the standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Maintaining an accessible website is an on-going process and we are continually working to offer a user-friendly experience. If you have any problems using this website please email webmaster@nicoletcollege.edu.
"I do feel that Nicolet provides a supportive environment for students. One of the first things I felt when I came on to campus was smiling faces and people that were excited to learn where I'm coming from."
Eligibility for Disability Support Services
The Accommodations Specialist in Disability Support Service is the main contact point for students. The Accommodations Specialist will work with the student to:
- Review records and documentation
- Review total needs
- Arrange accommodations
- Develop an individualized plan
If you have any documentation related to your disability, from a school, doctor or therapist, please share a copy with your Accommodations Specialist. This information informs our discussion about what accommodations will work best for you.
If you suspect you have a disability but are not sure, the Accommodations Specialist will work with you to coordinate acceptable sources of documentation.
Federal and state laws protect individuals with disabilities from the release of personal information without their consent. In order for Disability Support Services to either receive documentation of a disability or to share information regarding a disability, a confidentiality-release form must be signed by the student.
This release statement is good until the student requests that it be withdrawn, and is kept in the student's locked file. Student records, will be kept for seven years from when the student becomes inactive.
Students Rights & Responsibilities
Students must be willing to recognize their disability and then utilize the reasonable accommodations they need. This may mean adjusting attitudes and goals, or learning new ways to get organized. Using Disability Support Services is one important way to help create success.
The Accommodations Specialist will notify faculty members that a student is eligible for accommodations. However, it is the student's responsibility to inform the faculty member of their intention to utilize specific accommodations and at what specific times they wish to receive them. The accommodations notification process is conducted in this manner to respect students intentions of exercising or forgoing accommodations, yet notifying faculty of the right to receive an accommodation if a student requests.
Students with disabilities are responsible for notifying the college of their disabilities if they wish to have accommodations provided. Neither Nicolet nor Disability Support Services requires students with disabilities to register with them. Accommodation requests must be made with Disability Support Services, and specific documentation must be provided verifying the disability.
After the student has registered with Disability Support Services, and if specific accommodations are requested, Disability Support Services will contact faculty members before or at the beginning of the term to inform them of the student's particular needs. Students need to act in a timely manner to permit instructors time to plan for the accommodations requested.
Students with disabilities must maintain the same academic standards and maintain the same appropriate behavior as students without disabilities.
Grievance and Appeal Process
If a current or prospective student disagrees with a decision regarding some aspect of their disabilities request, they may appeal the decision to the Director of Human Resources or designee within 30 calendar days using the following procedure: The appeal must be in writing, stating the reason for the disagreement.
This written appeal should be submitted to:
Director of Human Resources, Nicolet College, PO Box 518, Rhinelander, WI 54501
For more information, call the Human Resources Office at 715.365.4450 TTY: 800.947.3529 or 711
Contact Information

Miriah Mannikko
Accommodations Specialist
TTY: 800.947.4537 or 711
E. mmannikko@nicoletcollege.edu