Leadership Essentials

Leadership Essentials

Technical Diploma

This program helps the student enhance their leadership influence through coaching and motivating team members, establishing effective communication throughout the organization and managing through change. Ideal for future leaders, or current leaders who wish to have stronger impact.

  • Participants in a Grow North meeting

    Program Outline

    Term 1
    Course # Course Title Credits
    1010210600 Business Essentials

    This class helps new Nicolet students make a successful transition to the College. The course is a chance for students to learn College resources, practice pacing and time management, grit and the learning management system. Students also receive an introduction and have opportunities to practice professional business communication.

    1080119500 Written Communication

    Develops writing skills which include prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. A variety of writing assignments is designed to help the learner analyze audience and purpose, research and organize ideas, and format and design documents based on subject matter and content. Also develops critical reading and thinking skills through the analysis of a variety of written documents.

    1010210800 Operations Management Role and History

    Students will discover the critical roles managers play in organizations and explore how managers plan, lead, organize and control. This class will also explore the origins of management and review major developments in business through the centuries and how they are still relevant today.

    1010211300 Human Resources Roles and Laws

    This class reviews the role and importance of Human Resources in organizations. Current challenges Human Resources contends with are covered. Students will learn about major employment laws and how to ensure that company programs, practices and policies align with those laws.

    1010211600 Human Resources Recruitment

    This class will cover how to develop job descriptions and competitive salary packages for open positions. Students will create effective recruiting and interview programs so the best candidates will be selected.

    1010211800 Human Resources Employee Evaluation

    This class covers onboarding new employees and providing informal and formal feedback. Students will also learn how to mentor and coach employees. Students create onboarding and performance evaluation plans.

    1019616000 Leadership Qualities of Leaders

    This course covers the importance of effective leaders and leadership to the success of organizations. Students will explore the critical differences between managers and leaders.

    1019617000 Leadership Organizational Culture

    This class will cover what the leader’s role is in creating the optimal workplace. Students will learn the components of a great workplace and how to improve corporate culture. Students have the opportunity to assess their workplace and provide recommendations for strengthening.

    1019617500 Leadership Change Management

    This class covers best practices in effecting change in organizations. Students will learn why people resist change and strategies to make change happen effectively. Students will apply an eight-step change model to a situation at work or in their lives.

    1089010300 Professional Career Management

    This course will cover identification of individual interests and the occupations they align with, finding employment, creating a resume and cover letter, participating in an interview, and best practices for maintaining professional employment.


    At A Glance

    How You'll Learn

    icon of computer

    100% OnLine

    icon of calendar

    Multiple Start Dates

    icon of calendar and clock

    Flexible Pace

    icon of instructor and student

    Optional Lab Support

    Spring 2025 Start Dates

    January 13 - 16-Week Spring Term Start
    March 10 - Additional 8-Week Term Start for Select Courses

    Summer 2025 Start Date

    June 16 - 8-Week Summer Term Start

    Fall 2025 Start Dates

    August 25 - 16-Week Fall Term Start
    October 20 - Additional 8-Week Term Start Start for Select Courses

    Program Tuition*


    *Total cost for degree completion is estimated by current course requirements, books, and supplies. Tuition and fees are set by the Wisconsin Technical College System and subject to change.

    You may experience these additional costs, not charged by Nicolet, estimated based on length of program.

    Personal Expenses


    z-textbook graphic

    This program has a zero cost for textbooks. If you continue your education beyond this program to complete a full associate's degree, there may be additional costs for books.

    What You'll Learn

    • Perform leadership functions to achieve organizational objectives
    • Facilitate effective employee relations

    Your Potential Careers

    • Supervisor
    • Manager
    • Business Owner
    • Team Leader

    Median Annual Salary

    $43,370 $47,121 $47,309
    Local State National

    Lightcast 2023.1

    Get Started

    Your application can be submitted online, it takes just a few minutes to complete.

    business management instructor working with student

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