Law Enforcement Courses

Law Enforcement Courses

Jail Officer Recruit Academy

Course #: 4750440900
Course Description:

This course is designed for individuals who are employed or wish to be employed in the corrections field. The academy covers the required Wisconsin Department Justice/Law Enforcement Training and Standards Bureau (DOJ/LESB) Curriculum. The training will allow individuals to obtain DOJ/LESB certification as a corrections officer.

Class No: 9032
Delivery: Class
Fees Under 62: $1,900.00
Fees Over 62: $1,152.50
Instructor: Gerdmann
Instructor: Hoeft
Instructor: Holewinski
Instructor: Janak
Instructor: Karp
Instructor: Wilhelm
Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs at Fieldside Center 129
Fri at Fieldside Center 108
Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri at Fieldside Center 129

Those not employed by a Wisconsin Sheriff's Office must contact the Academy Director Timothy Gerdmann at 715-365-4535 or to complete the required Department of Justice required prerequisites.

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