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Attend the Future-Proof Your Workforce Seminar Nov. 8 at Nicolet College


Business professionals looking for effective strategies to address the worker shortage, retain employees and improve workplace efficiencies are invited to attend the Future-Proof Your Workforce seminar from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 8, at Nicolet College. 

“Over the past few years just about every business has had to adapt to a dramatically changed entrepreneurial landscape,” said Jodi Engleman, manager of Professional and Continuing Education at Nicolet. “The only constant is change, and this workshop will lay out the latest proven practices to help businesses not only survive but thrive when it comes to employee recruitment and retention and improve overall business operations.” 

The seminar is part of Nicolet’s long-running HireUp series to advance economic development in the Northwoods. Cost is $35 and includes a box lunch. 

Check in will start at 11:30 a.m. with presentations from noon to 2 p.m. in Northwoods Center 207-209 on the Nicolet campus. 

Presenters include Nicolet Business Instructors Lorelee Hood, Molly Gruett, and Niina Baum. 

Hood will share strategies to invest in current employees; Gruett on how to maximize time and resources by leveraging technology and process improvement; and Baum on the need for digital marketing for employee branding, social media employee recruitment, and the power of video with employee testimonials. 

Interested individuals can register online at