Free Google IT Academy Open to High School Students and Instructors
High school students interested in Information Technology careers are invited to attend the free Pre-College Technology Academy that can lead to the industry-recognized Google IT Support Professional Certificate.
The virtual online academy will run from 10 a.m. to noon, Mondays through Thursdays, June 8 to 18. Each day will include a mix of presentations by local IT experts and virtual lab time with Nicolet IT instructors.
The online, self-paced Google coursework includes interactive learning activities, assessments, and video talks by Googlers with unique backgrounds who all got their start in IT support. Content focuses on IT troubleshooting, help-desk support, networking, operating systems, system administration, and security.
The academy is open to incoming high school freshman through graduating seniors as well as high school business, IT, and technical education instructors. The free academy is being made possible through the Grow with Google initiative with grant and scholarship funding provided by Google, Nicolet College, the Grow North Regional Economic Development Corporation, and local Northwoods businesses. Funding is available for 15 individuals.
Each student will also be issued a tablet computer to complete the online Google coursework. Those who complete all courses required for the certificate by the end of the year will be able to keep their tablets.
Certificate classes include Technical Support Fundamentals, Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking, Operating Systems and You, System Administration and IT Infrastructure, and IT Security: Defense Against Digital Dark Arts.
For more information, call Nicolet at (715) 365-4544, 1-800-544-3039, ext. 4544, or email ce@nicoletcollege.edu. Students can register online at https://precollegeacademy.eventbrite.com