Get Started at the Enrollment Pop-Up Event - November 16
Anyone interested in enrolling at Nicolet College or simply wants more information about career training opportunities available at the college is invited to attend the Enrollment Pop-Up event Thursday, Nov. 16, on campus.
The event will run from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Red Oak Center.
“Having a college degree or diploma can have a pretty strong positive impact on an individual’s career,” said Dwight Webb, Nicolet admissions representative.
“We want to let people know what it takes to make that happen and the numerous opportunities available at Nicolet for the professional growth that leads to greater financial and personal satisfaction.”
At the Enrollment Pop-Up, individuals will be able to meet with an admissions representative to discuss career options and the various academic paths available to train for a career, talk with an Success Coach to register for classes, and set up a class schedule that fits in with other responsibilities. Fee waivers will be provided to those that attend.
Information will also be available on how to receive financial aid and scholarships and about the payment plans the college has available.
Spring Term classes begin, Jan. 8. The college will also offer several other start date options for select academic programs over the course of Spring Term.
Prospective students can also at any time complete Nicolet’s online admissions application. Those planning on enrolling will also need their high school transcript.