Preparing For the GED/HSED Just Got Easier
We know there are many barriers to earning your GED/HSED. But now, thanks to new educational services available through Nicolet College’s Academic Success program, you can prepare for the GED/HSED from home or virtually anywhere.
Here's how it works:
1. Discuss your options and goals with someone from Academic Success either in-person or by phone.
2. Complete an assessment to determine your academic skills.
3. Follow the customized and flexible academic plan created by the Academic Success staff.
Instructional options can include any combination of online assignments, instructional conversations over the phone, assignments that are mailed to you through the postal service, and one-on-one, face-to-face instruction on the Nicolet Campus or at any of the seven Nicolet Academic Success outreach centers located throughout the Nicolet District.
The best part is all services are free and open to anyone.
Just remember the final testing includes a cost and must be completed at a certified Pearson Vue testing center, which is available on the Nicolet College Campus.
Are you ready to take the first step? Contact Academic Success today.