Quick Tips for Victims of Cybercrime
Since online technology is constantly evolving, the extent, nature, and risks of a cyberattack are impossible to predict. Therefore, it is important that you always take precautions when connecting to the internet, whether you are at home, at work or in a public place, such as a school or library.
Follow these quick tips if you think you are the victim of a cybercrime:
If you are at work and have access to an IT department, contact the appropriate staff immediately.
Verify that the software on all of your systems is up to date. If not, install all appropriate patches to fix known vulnerabilities.
Disconnect your device from the Internet to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your system.
Update your antivirus program and perform a full scan of your system. If you find an infection, perform a full system restore.
If you believe sensitive information may have been compromised, notify the appropriate authorities including your network administrators.
To report a cyber incident, contact Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center at cybercrimes@doj.state.wi.us or by calling 888-324-9742.
File a report with your local police department so that there is an official record of the incident.
Report any online fraud to the Internet Crime Complaint Center at www.ic3.gov
Report any case of identity theft or consumer fraud to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at: www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov.