Title: Financial Aid and Lender Relationships
Number: BP 3.05
Adopted: March 2012
Reviewed: September 2020
Revised: September 2015
Nicolet Area Technical College Administration shall publicize and coordinate student financial aid programs and shall provide technical assistance to potential and enrolled students seeking student financial aid.
The ethical conduct of student financial aid staff in working with government and private student aid lenders and the criteria for identifying opportunities and providing this information to students, is subject to the following:
- District employees are prohibited from:
- Soliciting, accepting, or entering into any agreement in which an educational loan lender provides fees, revenue sharing or material benefits to the College in exchange for a recommendation of the lender or its loan products.
- Soliciting or accepting financial aid staffing assistance from a lender.
- Soliciting, accepting, or entering into any agreement in violation of the ethics codes under Board Policy 2.03 Code of Ethics.
- For students applying for financial aid, the College shall supply information in writing with available federal and state government loans and comparative information on government loans. Students are encouraged to explore and weigh the use of federal loans that are guaranteed, regulated, and may be more advantageous, before pursuing private or alternative loans.