Family Child Care Certificate

Family Child Care Certificate

Technical Certificate

If you plan to provide childcare in a home or family setting, this certificate program will help you examine child development, quality standards, community resources, health and wellness, and family partnerships. You’ll also learn how to promote desired outcomes through play-based learning, observation and assessment. Choose additional courses to gain skills for curriculum planning, strategies for guiding behavior or care for children at various developmental stages. Upon completion, you'll be prepared for the Family Child Care Credential from The Registry, Wisconsin's Recognition System for the Childhood Care and Education Profession.

  • Early childhood student playing with child
  • Student holding baby in rocker

    Program Outline

    Term 1
    Course # Course Title Credits
    1030730100 Introduction to Family Child Care

    Introduces family child care topics such as quality standards, health and wellness, child development, curriculum planning, guiding children’s behavior, program wellness, and provider health and wellness. This course fulfills requirements for Department of Children and Families entry-level courses Fundamentals of Family Child Care and Introduction to the Child Care Profession.

    1030730200 Family Child Care Responsive Planning

    Focuses on creating responsive family child care programming with an emphasis on building relationships and curriculum. Introduces important topics such as quality standards for relationships, intentional relationships, diversity and anti-bias perspectives, family partnerships, mixed age curriculum, learning environment indoor and outdoor.

    Term 2
    Course # Course Title Credits
    1030713500 Family Child Care Capstone

    Demonstrate the integration and application of specific concepts and skills of family child care including mixed-age curriculum, quality standards, professional development, community resources, health and wellness practices, family partnerships, and financial management. This capstone experience reflects the learner’s knowledge of family child care through the development of a major project. Prerequisites: (1030730100 Introduction to Family Child Care (C or better) and 1030730200 Family Child Care Responsive Planning (C or better)).

    1030730300 FCC Financial Management and Planning

    Focuses on managing finances of a family child care with an emphasis on principles and practices for budget planning, budget preparation, and fiscal management. Introduces important topics such as quality standards for financial management and planning, business management, financial planning, record keeping, business budgets, marketing and financial management tools and systems. Prerequisites: (1030730100 Introduction to Family Child Care (C or better) and 1030730200 Family Child Care Responsive Planning (C or better)).


    At A Glance

    How You'll Learn

    icon of computer

    100% Online

    Term Start Dates

    Spring 2025 
    January 13 - 16-Week Spring Term Start

    Summer 2025 
    May 19 - 12-Week Summer Term Start

    Fall 2025 
    August 25 - 16-Week Fall Term Start

    Start dates represent the beginning of a new term. Certain programs or courses may not be available to start every term. Please view the course schedules for a list of upcoming classes or contact the Welcome Center at 715-365-4493.

    Grant Funding Available

    Now you may qualify for FREE TUITION,BOOKS, AND MORE!*

    *Free enrollment is available for those who qualify. This opportunity is available with funding support from the NorthwestWisconsin Workforce Investment Board(NWWIB), Inc. 

    To learn more, contact the WelcomeCenter at 715-365-4493 and mention your interest in the ECE Program and  the Quest Grant funding.

    Program Tuition*


    Books & Supplies*


    *Total cost for degree completion is estimated by current course requirements, books, and supplies. Tuition and fees are set by the Wisconsin Technical College System and subject to change.

    You may experience these additional costs, not charged by Nicolet, estimated based on length of program.

    Personal Expenses

    What You'll Learn

    • Identify Wisconsin Child Care regulations including certification and licensing rules as well as quality improvement initiatives related to operating a high quality family child care program
    • Apply developmental knowledge and observation to design, implement, and evaluate individual and group curriculum experiences for mixed-age children in a family child care setting
    • Create respectful, healthy, and safe physical and interpersonal environments for mixed-age children in a family child care setting
    • Utilize culturally responsive verbal and non-verbal caregiver strategies
    • Select appropriate materials and promote health, safety and nutrition guidelines specific to early care environments
    • Design experiences and utilize caregiver strategies that support family involvement and reciprocal relationships
    • Perform professionally and ethically, use self-reflection and knowledge and access relevant resources

    Your Potential Careers

    • Family Child Care Provider

    Median Annual Salary

    $20,888 $22,332 $23,581
    Local State National

    EMSI 2022.1

    Get Started

    Your application can be submitted online, it takes just a few minutes to complete.

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