Medical Assistant

Medical Assistant

Technical Diploma

Medical assistants work primarily in physician offices or ambulatory care clinics. The medical assistant is trained in various aspects of the medical office, including clinical, laboratory, and administrative procedures. Responsibilities might include obtaining a health history, preparing the patient for physical examination, assisting with the exam, assisting with minor surgery, performing routine CLIA-waived tests, disinfecting, and sterilizing instruments. With theory-based content online you can focus on skills practice and assessment during your open lab time. After the competition of this program, students are eligible to become a Certified Medical Assistant.

Students must successfully pass a background check and complete clinical requirements. For more information, please connect with a Success Coach.

    Program Outline

    Term 1
    Course # Course Title Credits
    3150110100 Medical Terminology

    Focuses on the component parts of medical terms: prefixes, suffixes and word roots. You will practice formation, analysis and reconstruction of terms. Emphasis on spelling, definition and pronunciation. Introduction to operative, diagnostic, therapeutic and symptomatic terminology of all body systems, as well as systemic and surgical terminology.

    3150930100 Medical Asst Admin Procedures

    Introduces Medical Assistant students to office management and business administration in the medical office. Students learn to schedule appointments, perform filing, record keeping, telephone and reception duties, communicate effectively with patients and other medical office staff, and keep an inventory of supplies. Students apply introductory medical coding skills and managed care terminology. Corequisites: 3150930300 Medical Asst Lab Procedures 1, 3150930400 Medical Asst Clin Procedures 1.

    3150930200 Human Body in Health and Disease

    Introduces students to basic anatomy and physiology of the human body. Focuses on wellness and disease prevention. Students identify diseases that are frequently first diagnosed and treated in the medical office setting. Students learn to recognize the causes, signs, and symptoms of diseases of the major body systems as well as the diagnostic procedures, usual treatment, prognosis, and prevention of common diseases. Prerequisite: 1050110100 Medical Terminology (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed).

    3150930300 Medical Asst Lab Procedures 1

    Introduces Medical Assistant students to laboratory procedures commonly performed in a medical office setting. Students perform routine laboratory procedures commonly performed in the ambulatory care setting under the supervision of a physician. Students follow laboratory safety requirements and federal regulations while performing specimen collection and processing, microbiology, and urinalysis testing. Corequisites: 3150930100 Medical Asst Admin Procedures, 3150930400 Medical Asst Clin Procedures 1.

    3150930400 Medical Asst Clin Procedures 1

    Introduces Medical Assistant students to the clinical procedures performed in the medical office setting. Students perform basic examining room skills, including screening, vital signs, patient history, minor surgery, and patient preparation for routine and specialty exams in the ambulatory care setting. Prerequisite: 3150930200 Human Body in Health and Disease (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed) or 1080617700 General Anatomy and Physiology (C or better). Corequisites: 3150930100 Medical Asst Admin Procedures, 3150930300 Medical Asst Lab Procedures 1.

    3180130400 Applied Communications Writing

    Focuses on writing skills related to employment. Students write and edit letters, resumes, memos, and brief reports.

    Term 2
    Course # Course Title Credits
    3150910800 Pharmacology for Allied Health

    Introduces students to classifying medications into correct drug categories and applying basic pharmacology principles. Students apply basic pharmacodynamics to identifying common medications, medication preparation, and administration of medications used by the major body systems. Prerequisite: 3150930200 Human Body in Health and Disease (C or better) or 1080617700 General Anatomy and Physiology (C or better).

    3150930500 Med Asst Lab Procedures 2

    Prepares students to perform laboratory procedures commonly performed in the ambulatory care setting under the supervision of a physician. Students perform phlebotomy, immunology, hematology, and chemistry laboratory procedures. Prerequisite: 3150930300 Medical Asst Lab Procedures 1 (C or better). Corequisites: 3150930600 Med Asst Clin Procedures 2, 3150930700 Medical Office Insurance and Finance.

    3150930600 Med Asst Clin Procedures 2

    Prepares Medical Assistant students to perform patient care skills in the medical office setting. Students perform clinical procedures including administering medications, assisting with minor surgery, performing an electrocardiogram, assisting with respiratory testing, educating patients/community, and maintaining clinical equipment in an ambulatory care setting. Prerequisites: 3150930400 Medical Asst Clin Procedures 1 (C or better) and 3150930300 Medical Asst Lab Procedures 1 (C or better). Corequisites: 3150930500 Med Asst Lab Procedures 2, 3150930700 Medical Office Insurance and Finance.

    3150930700 Medical Office Insurance and Finance

    Introduces Medical Assistant students to health insurance and finance in the medical office. Students perform bookkeeping procedures, apply managed care guidelines, and complete insurance claim forms. Students use medical coding and managed care terminology to perform insurance-related duties. Prerequisite: 3150930100 Medical Asst Admin Procedures (C or better). Corequisites: 3150930500 Med Asst Lab Procedures 2, 3150930600 Med Asst Clin Procedures 2.

    3150930900 Medical Law Ethics and Professionalism

    Prepares students to display professionalism and perform within ethical and legal boundaries in the health care setting. Students maintain confidentiality, examine legal aspects of the medical records, perform risk management procedures, and examine legal and bioethical issues.

    3150931000 Medical Assistant Practicum

    Requires Medical Assistant students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills from all previous Medical Assistant courses in actual patient care settings. Learners perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory duties under the supervision of trained mentors to effectively transition to the role of a medical assistant. 200 hours of clinical practicum is required. Prerequisites: 3180130400 Applied Communications Writing (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed) and 3150930500 Med Asst Lab Procedures 2 (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed) and 3150930600 Med Asst Clin Procedures 2 (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed) and 3150930700 Medical Office Insurance and Finance (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed) and 3150930900 Medical Law Ethics and Professionalism (C or better) (concurrent enrollment allowed).

    3180130500 Applied Communication Listening Speaking

    Emphasizes effective listening and speaking skills required for job performance and satisfaction. Those skills include interviewing for a job, communicating in the work place, and securing a job promotion.


    At A Glance

    How You'll Learn

    A highly flexible, comprehensive program offering theory-based content online so you can focus on skills practice and assessment during your lab time. Coursework is designed to enhance prior learning and continuously build skills competence. Exams are multiple choice and designed to simulate the National Certification exam taken to become a CMA (AAMA).


    On Campus



    Program Tuition*


    Books & Supplies*


    *Total cost for degree completion is estimated by current course requirements, books, and supplies. Tuition and fees are set by the Wisconsin Technical College System and subject to change.

    Financial Aid Eligible

    You may experience these additional costs, not charged by Nicolet, estimated based on length of program.

    Personal Expenses

    What You'll Learn

    • Perform medical office administrative functions
    • Provide patient care in accordance with regulations, policies, laws, and patient rights
    • Perform medical laboratory procedures
    • Demonstrate professionalism in a healthcare setting
    • Demonstrate safety and emergency practices in a healthcare setting

    Your Potential Careers

    • Medical Office Assistant
    • Laboratory Assistant
    • Surgical Office Assistant
    • Phlebotomist
    • Optometric Assistant
    • Podiatric Assistant
    • Pharmacy Assistant
    • Chiropractic Assistant

    Median Annual Salary

    $40,994 $38,026 $37,082
    Local State National

    Lightcast 2023.1

    Get Started

    Your application can be submitted online, it takes just a few minutes to complete.

    Additional Program Admission Requirements

    • Acceptable Caregiver Background Check


    The Nicolet Area Technical College Medical Assistant program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), upon recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).

    Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
    9355 - 113th St. N, #7709
    Seminole, FL 33775
    Telephone:  727-210-2350
    Fax:  727-210-2354

    To prepare medical assistants who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.

    Students graduating from the Medical Assisting program at Nicolet College are satisfied with the education that they receive at Nicolet College, as there is an average 100% graduate satisfaction rate over the past five years.
    Employers hiring medical assistant graduates from Nicolet College are satisfied with the education that the graduates receive at Nicolet College, as there is an average 100% employer satisfaction rate over the past five years.

    The 2018-2022  American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) National Certification Examination average pass rate of the Technical Diploma Medical Assisting program at Nicolet College, Rhinelander, WI was 87%, based on the most recent Annual Report Form submitted to the Medical Assisting Education Review board (MAERB).

    The medical assisting program at Nicolet College has a job placement rate of 82% for the admission cohort(s) that entered in 2022.

    Students will work directly under the supervision of licensed health care professionals.

    Nursing student at Nicolet College

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