Opening Reception: Thursday, February 9
5 - 7 pm
Nicolet Art Gallery
Free Admission – No advanced registration required
Artist Workshop: Saturday, April 1
10 am - 2 pm
Nicolet Art Gallery
Free for exhibiting artists
Anyone 18 years or older is invited to submit art for the Wisconsin Regional Art Program (WRAP) exhibit, which will culminate in a day-long artist workshop including a lecture or demonstration and educational critique. Meritorious work selected from the numerous regional exhibits around the state will be displayed at the Annual State Art Exhibit in Madison. WRAP exhibits/workshops began in 1940 as an outreach program of UW-Madison, to encourage the creative growth of Wisconsin non-professional artists from rural areas. Now administered by the Association of Wisconsin Artists, WRAP exhibits/workshops are held throughout the year in over twenty-five locations all around the state.
To submit artwork, register online at wiscartists.wildapricot.org or contact 715.365.4544 for more information.