Digital Marketing Certificate
If you want to truly engage with your customers, you need to know digital marketing. Nicolet College’s three course certificate in Digital Marketing will give you the skills and credentials that you need. Our flexible online courses are self-paced and led by skilled instructors (yes, real live people!) You will have up to date quality curriculum provided by The Digital Marketing Institute along with guidance and mentoring from Nicolet College instructors, who help you apply what you learn to the real world. You can also obtain internationally recognized certifications from the American Marketing Association and the Digital Marketing Institute. Won’t that look great on your resume!
Hear From A Digital Marketing Graduate
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the Nicolet Digital Marketing Certificate valuable?
The Nicolet Digital Marketing Certificate involves learning by doing. this is the only way digital marketing can be learned well. Students are guided by proficient instructors to complete actual digital marketing projects for real world businesses.
In addition to hands-on experiential learning, students are provided with the latest curriculum from the Digital Marketing Institute, an internationally recognized educational authority in the marketing industry.
To earn the technical certificate from Nicolet, students are assessed not only on what they know, but also on what they can do! They demonstrate proficiency with the core competencies required for a professional in the field.
Additionally, the student may take the DMI and AMA Certification Exam upon completion of the three-course certificate and earn that Certification to post on a resume’!
How do you get three Certificates for the price of one at Nicolet College?
When you complete the Digital Marketing Program at Nicolet College you are awarded a Technical Certificate that can be included on your resume as one of your professional credentials.
If you take the Certification Exam, you can are certified by the AMA (American Marketing Association) and DMI (Digital Marketing Institute) at no additional cost. This is made possible because Nicolet is teaching the top-notch curriculum developed by DMI that prepares a student to pass a rigorous certification exam used by both the AMA and DMI. By passing this exam, you will be certified by both the Digital Marketing Institute and the American Marketing Association. These are the two top Digital Marketing Certifications in the USA.
Having all three certificates on your job resume will look very credible.
- Nicolet College credentials you with a Digital Marketing Technical Certificate.
- The DMI certificate credentials you as a “Certified Digital Marketing Professional.”
- The AMA certificate credentials you as a “Professional Certified Marketer” or PCM.
You earn one certificate automatically when you pass the three Digital Marketing Courses from Nicolet College, worth 9 credits. Then you have the option to take one certification exam to earn two more certificates simultaneously (one from the AMA and another from DMI). Note: Nicolet instructors help students prepare for the DMI/AMA Certification Exam to help assure their success. The cost to become certified by the AMA and DMI is paid for in your Nicolet Tuition, so you end up getting three digital marketing certificates for the price of one.
How can I provide proof of real-world experience for digital marketing jobs?
The certificate you receive from Nicolet College certifies you have demonstrated proficiency in the competencies required for a profession in digital marketing. This is backed by your portfolio of completed projects done for an actual business. The real-world experience that you gained during the courses can be included on your resume in addition to the certificates.
How long does it take to get certified in Digital Marketing at Nicolet?
It usually takes between 4 to 12 months to earn the Digital Marketing Technical Certificate from Nicolet College. It all depends on how many courses you take at a time and how many hours per week you can devote to coursework.
How many hours per week should I set aside for coursework?
Take the “Relaxed Approach”- Ideal for a busy person
Earn you certificate in 1 year by spending about 1 hour per day
This comfortable college schedule is ideal for busy people who need to hold down a job or have a tight schedule raising a family. By taking just one course at a time, spending 6 to 8 hours per week on coursework, you can easily complete all 3 courses within 12 months. You even get to take a couple weeks off to relax in between trimesters.
Note: The three required digital marketing courses are offered 3 times per year under the trimester system at Nicolet College. Each trimester runs 15 weeks in length from start to finish.
Take the “Bootcamp Approach” - Ideal for people who are ready to dive in
Earn your certificate in 4 months by spending about 3 hours per day
This rigorous course schedule works well for people with time on their hands who are driven to quickly upgrade their employable job skills. At Nicolet College, you can become certified in less than 4 months by taking all three courses at once. You would need to spend between 18 to 24 hours per week on coursework.
Of course, results will vary from student to student.
What does it cost to become certified in Digital Marketing at Nicolet?
Tuition for the Certificate is $1,365.75. Everything, including instruction, materials and the Certification test fee is included in this low price.
Other Digital Marketing bootcamps are significantly more cost.
Are the elective courses in Digital Marketing ideal for any career?
Even if business is not your chosen major, courses in digital marketing can provide you with a competitive skillset for understanding how the world of promotion works. Marketing is all about analyzing and understanding people’s needs, combined with problem solving, communicating, and presenting. Developing these skills can come in handy for any field you might end up in and will help you stand out as a good communicator.
How many courses are required to get a digital marketing certificate?
You need to pass three courses to complete the Digital Marketing Certification Program at Nicolet College, worth a total of nine credits. The courses are:
1.) Digital Marketing Fundamentals
2.) Social Media & Content Marketing
3.) Digital Advertising & Analytics.
Can I get a Digital Marketing Certificate along with my Associates Degree?
Yes, this will look great on your resume! You can graduate from Nicolet College with your Associate Degree and earn a Technical Certificate in Digital Marketing by taking the 3 Digital Marketing Courses as Electives worth 9 credits total. These elective credits must be included in the maximum total electives allowed for your degree. Consult with your advisor if you have any questions or concerns.
Will my course credits transfer to another college or university?
In Wisconsin, all the credits you earn toward your Associate Degree at Nicolet College will be accepted by any state college or university. Since Digital Marketing courses are accepted as elective courses toward earning your Associates Degree at Nicolet, those credits will automatically transfer with your 2-year degree. If you take the Digital Marketing Courses separate from the Associate Degree Transfer Program, those credits will need to be approved individually by the receiving institution. Speak to your advisor about this if you have any questions or concerns.
How up to date are the digital marketing courses at Nicolet?
The curriculum is updated every semester for the Digital Marketing Courses taught at Nicolet. As you know, technology is changing all the time and since digital marketing is based on technology, there is an ongoing process of change. This is why Nicolet’s courses include learning modules produced by DMI (the Digital Marketing Institute). DMI updates their curriculum quarterly. As a Nicolet Technical Certificate holder, you will be able to keep up with the latest trends after graduation because you will be given access to DMI’s up to date training modules.
Are there any certain times that I am required to be online?
No – the program is completely flexible. When you want to meet with your instructor to talk online or in person, you schedule a time that is convenient for both of you. All the lesson plans and projects are self-paced so there are no set times involved in taking these courses.
What are the deadlines for turning in work for the course?
Other than the end of the trimester, there are no deadlines for assignments. This allows you the flexibility to work on the course at your own pace. Most students use the traditional method of setting aside time every week to work on each course they are taking. Other students like to focus on just one course at a time, immersing themselves in it until they are finished, before moving on to their next course. Either method will work if all assignments are turned in by the official end date of the course.
How is the course taught? How will I learn things?
The course is taught 100% online combined with instructor interaction and guidance. Any time day or night, you will have access to your course and the learning materials like short video presentations by experts in the field along with study guides, project workbooks and resource materials. Note: All learning materials are included in the course, so you don’t have to buy a textbook. I think you’ll like this next part; you can use your cellphone to watch the learning videos whenever you get a chunk of time. So, the learning part of the course can be done from almost anywhere. Regarding interactions with your instructor, during the semester, you will set up a few virtual meetings to receive direction and personal mentoring on your digital marketing projects. Those projects will be done for a real business, which could be one that you own; or one you want to start some day; or one assigned to you.