Human Services Programs

Make a Career Out of Helping Others

Empower diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals.You should have strong communication skills and the desire to interact with people as they navigate through life’s challenges. The Human Services programs offer a rewarding career path that allows you to help others and society as a whole.

Nursing Programs

Aid Your Education With Experience

Through skills labs, simulations experiences, and clinical rotations your education will be aided with more than 900 hours of hands-on experience. You'll prepare to become an important member of a health care team by learning about the nursing process and how it is used to care for individuals across the lifespan. If you are a good problem solver, enjoy working with people, follow procedures and regulations, then this may be the career area for you.

According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2022), graduate success rate on the RN

Health Programs

Learn Health Care For Your Health Career

With career opportunities ranging from EMT to radiography, health care is a diverse field. No matter which program you're interested in, each one will teach you specific patient procedures and the knowledge you need to be a successful health care provider. If you are a good problem solver, enjoy working with people, follow procedures and regulations, then this may be the career area for you.

Criminal Justice Programs

Get the Criminal Justice Training You Need 

Prepare for a career in law enforcement with training in physical and behavioral sciences, criminal investigation, traffic law, patrol procedures, and scientific crime laboratory procedures. You'll learn from local instructors who are experts in tactical skills, interviewing investigation, special response, crisis management, and professional communication. If you're an ethical person with a strong sense of community and leadership, this may be the program area for you.