Paying for college. It’s something you think about as parents even before your children start preschool. Then, all of sudden, they’re juniors in high school, making plans for their future, and looking at you for answers about how to afford it all.
What if you could give them some options that

mom and daughter at kitchen table discussing education

Nicolet College was named one of 10 national finalists for the prestigious Bellwether Award in the Instructional Programs and Services category.

The college earned the distinction for its innovative Nicolet MyWay initiative, which vastly adds to the flexibility students have regarding when and

Nicolet College campus

The Nicolet College Foundation will accept scholarship applications from Feb. 1 to Feb. 29 for the 2020-21 academic year at Nicolet.

The Foundation expects to award more than 250 scholarships ranging in value from $250 to $2,500, said Foundation Executive Director Heather Schallock.


male and female students walking from class

The beginning of the term can be stressful; every class has different schedules and requirements, the upcoming projects and tests can feel overwhelming, and you may be meeting a whole new set of classmates and instructors. But there are ways you can start your term on the right foot.

1. Get to Know

students studying in Lakeside Center

Usually a new year means a new you. But this year, you don’t have to change to pursue your career goals. That’s because Nicolet is changing to better serve you; to meet you where you’re at; and to help you achieve success.
Learn Online with Local Support
Online programs and classes allow you to

students studying at table outside