Citing his long-standing commitment to advancing higher education and skills training in the Northwoods, the Nicolet College Foundation has awarded its 2022 Friends and Partners Award to George Rouman of Rouman Amusement Company.

“Without question George has been a tremendous partner for Nicolet

Friends and Partners Award - George Rouman

With summer in full swing so is the Outdoor Adventure program at Nicolet College with numerous upcoming outdoor experiences on the docket now through early fall. 

“It’s been a great season so far with students learning a wide variety of new skills and enjoying all kinds of outdoor experiences,”


A contingent of nearly 50 wildlife ecology students from Indiana’s Purdue University recently visited Nicolet College to learn about and experience the rich and diverse northern natural ecosystem on campus. 

“This was an incredibly valuable learning opportunity for our students,” said Jarred Brooke

instructor in the woods with students

Building on its long history of delivering high quality Nursing instruction at Nicolet College, the program continues to advance that effort with a third instructor recently earning the esteemed Certified Nurse Educator status.

Nicolet Nursing Instructor Krista Polomis received that certification

anatomage table with hands touching the screen

Citing his commitment to hard work and strong desire to complete his high school diploma, Nicolet College’s Academic Success program has awarded Robert Shore from Tomahawk with the Student of the Year honor.

“From the moment that I met Bob I could tell that he was serious about completing his high

spring photo of front of lakeside center building

Ten individuals recently graduated from Nicolet College’s Law Enforcement Recruit Academy with each now eligible to be certified by the Wisconsin Department of Justice as law enforcement officers in the state. 

The challenging 720-hour program included a mix of classroom and hands-on scenario

2022 law enforcement recruit group graduation photo with instructors
The number of Northwoods students earning college credits while still in high school is expected to continue growing into the future as dozens of high school teachers recently attended the Transcripted Credit Summit at Nicolet College. 
classroom of high school counselors attending a seminar
For the first time ever, a jailed inmate has received Student of the Year honors from the Academic Success program at Nicolet College.
Academic success student award recipient with instructor
Anyone interested in exploring the outdoors and learning new skills is invited to attend any of the 30-plus offerings in the upcoming Outdoor Adventure program at Nicolet College.

Ever see a fox or coyote where it seemingly shouldn’t be? Maybe crossing a busy city street or cruising through a neighborhood packed with houses?

Increasingly, such interactions are becoming much more common in the Northwoods and across the state, even in such unlikely places as downtown Madison.

View of dock through trees