Nicolet College Transfer Student Discovers Love of Literature


University Transfer – Liberal Arts student Ana Mucha wasn't always a bookworm. In fact, she readily admits she disliked reading literature in high school. But that all changed after taking a handful of English classes at Nicolet College.

“I used to be the kid that absolutely despised reading, until I came to Nicolet,” Mucha said. “The instructors here are absolutely phenomenal. Through their passion, I was able to find my passion.”

Mucha said her English instructors — Elizabeth Devore, Allie Johnson and Ocie Kilgus — instilled in her a love for literature by making the story relevant to the modern audience. Suddenly, studying literature wasn't a dry recitation of literary tropes: It became a window to catch a glimpse of the human condition through the lens of narrative storytelling.

This newfound appreciation for literature lit a fire in Mucha. Instead of being the student who despised reading, she became fascinated with it. Now, one year into her post-secondary studies, she intends to transfer to the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point to pursue a major in English literature with the ultimate goal of teaching high school English. She said the catalyst behind this decision is to ignite a love for literature for her students, much like her teachers did for her.

“There aren’t enough words to say thank you to these instructors,” Mucha said. “They have all changed my life for the better.”

Mucha's story is a testament to the transformative power of passionate educators. Her instructors at Nicolet College played a pivotal role in her journey to becoming a lifelong lover of literature, ensuring future generations also discover the joy hidden within the pages of a book.