2.5 Incompletes

Reviewed & Updated: August 2024

Students have the option to request an Incomplete grade to provide additional time to complete coursework. To be eligible to request an Incomplete, students must have completed at least 50% of the coursework as determined by the instructor. Students who wish to seek an Incomplete should contact their instructor. The instructor will decide if the request is granted. Considerations to grant an Incomplete include, but are not limited to the reason for the request, the type of class, and whether or not it is possible for the student to complete the coursework in an acceptable method and time frame. 

A signed Incomplete Contract between the student and the instructor must be filed with the Registrar by 4 pm on the deadline day. The deadline day for submitting an Incomplete Contract is one calendar week prior to the end of the course. Exceptions to this deadline will only be made due to extenuating circumstances as approved by the Registrar. 

An Incomplete grade can be carried for a maximum of one term. The instructor will file a change of grade upon completion of work specified in the Incomplete Contract. If a grade is not issued by the contract completion date, the Registrar’s Office will convert the Incomplete grade to a grade of “F” on the student’s transcript.