Firefighter Training
For more information contact 715-365-4600 or complete this contact form.
Certified Fire Fighter I
This is the 96 hour Certified Firefighter I course. Successful completion of the course and successful completion of the Hazmat Ops class will enable the participant to be eligible to take Firefighter I certification testing. Textbook for the class is the Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response, Fifth Edition Jones & Bartlett Textbook and Workbook bundle Needs to be purchased prior to the start of the class. There is no tuition fee for those students affiliated with a fire department and successfully complete the class.
Entry Level Firefighter Part A
This 30 hour course introduces participants to the basic knowledge and skills necessary to perform firefighting functions under direct supervision (WI DSPS 330.14 (2)). The targeted audience for this course is individuals new to the firefighting field. When taken in sequential order, parts A and B are designed to provide the Entry Level Firefighter candidate with the information needed to comply with the minimum firefighter training requirements as specified in SPS 330.08, Minimum training and education standards, Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Chapter SPS 330, Fire Department Safety and Health Standards. The course curriculum is based on the current edition of Jones and Bartlett Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills text.
This is a state-funded course for students affiliated with a fire department who successfully complete. Both Part A and Part B must be successfully completed in order to meet the minimum requirements of a Firefighter under SPS – 330. Textbook for the class is the Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response, Fourth Edition Jones & Bartlett. ISBN 9781284151336 (Includes textbook and Navigate Access) Textbook needs to be purchased prior to the start of the class. There is no tuition fee for those students affiliated with a fire department and successfully complete the class.
Firefighter 1 Cert Part C
This 36 hour course prepares participants to be able to perform firefighting functions at a minimum nationally recognized level under direct supervision (WI DSPS 330.14 (2)). The targeted audience is individuals whom have completed the minimum firefighting training requirements as specified in SPS 330.08, Minimum training and education standards, Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Chapter SPS 330, Fire Department Safety and Health Standards, and desire, or are required, to increase their knowledge and skills-base to the next level. This course, when taken in addition to Entry Level Firefighter Part A, Part B, and Hazardous Materials Operations is designed to provide the Firefighter I candidate with the additional information needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) defined in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, 2019 Edition. Candidates who successfully complete Entry Level Fire Fighter Parts A, B, C and Hazardous Materials Operations shall have met the requirements defined in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Chapters 5.2 through 5.5 and the job performance requirements defined in Chapter 5, Core Competencies for Operations Level Responders, Chapters 6.2 and 6.6., mission-specific competencies: product control, of NFPA 472, and are eligible to take the Wisconsin Technical College System, International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) Certified Fire Fighter I skills and written exams.
This is the 36 hours in addition to the 60-hour Entry level fire training required to be eligible for state certification (in addition to Hazmat Ops) Class will meet on Thursday evenings as outlined in the syllabus with a Saturday practical lab on the Rhinelander Campus. Textbook for the class is the Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response, Fourth Edition Jones & Bartlett. ISBN 9781284151336 (Includes textbook and Navigate Access) There is no tuition fee for those students affiliated with a fire department and successfully complete the class.
Hazardous Material Operations
This 20-hour course prepares the participant to perform the minimum hazardous material incident operations skills associated with firefighting functions at an advanced nationally recognized level under general supervision. The targeted audience is individuals who have completed, or are in the process of completing, the Fire Fighter I Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) in NFPA 1001 for certification to the Wisconsin Fire Fighter I level. This course is also available to members of the Emergency Medical Services, Law Enforcement, and other industrial employees listed under 29CFR 1910. This course is designed to provide the Fire Fighter I candidate with the information needed to meet the JPRs in Chapter 5, Core Competencies for Operations Level Responders, Section 6.2, and Section 6.6., Mission-Specific Competencies: Product Control, of NFPA 472. The participant must also take the Fire Fighter I course in order to meet the remainder of the NFPA Fire Fighter I JPRs to prepare for certification to the Fire Fighter I level. A written exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified at the Fire Fighter I must successfully pass the written portion of the Hazardous Materials Operations exam.
This is a state funded (WEM) course for students who are affiliated with a Fire Department and successfully complete the course. Completion of the class is a requirement in order to test for Firefighter 1 Certification
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