Opening Reception for WRAP: Wisconsin Regional Art Program

Our opening receptions are a highlight, offering a chance to meet the artists, explore new exhibitions, and celebrate the arts with music, fellowship, and refreshments. These events are free to attend (unless otherwise noted) and provide the perfect opportunity to connect with Northwoods arts enthusiasts. We invite you to visit our beautiful campus, stroll through the exhibits, and experience the creativity and inspiration on display.
The Wisconsin Regional Art Program (WRAP) encourages nonprofessional, student, and emerging artists to create and exhibit their work across Wisconsin. It is for people who have a serious interest in art, and create art for the love of art. WRAP originated as an outreach program of UW-Madison but is now administered by the Association of Wisconsin Artists. Each WRAP site has a judge who selects works eligible for the state competition. The judge also provides invaluable encouragement and feedback to the exhibiting artists.
This year’s Nicolet College judge and workshop instructor is Wolfgang Ryan. He uses repurposed found objects in unexpected ways to create sculptures that amuse and confound the viewer. Ryan’s art seeks playful conversations with art history, popular culture, literature, mythology, and philosophy, with allusions to history and science. In his 2023 exhibit at ArtStart entitled All Over the Place, Right Here, Ryan tackled everything from skateboarding to the multiverse and a few things in between. More information at