Reduced Shakespeare Company's All The Great Books (Abridged)
Free With Nicolet College Student ID
The bar in our Lakeside Lounge opens at 12:30 pm serving beer, wine, sodas, and snacks.
Little Dickens. Short Longfellow. Reduced Proust. All the Great Books. Less is More.
The Literary Canon explodes as the Reduced Shakespeare Company once again unleashes a comic outrage on an unsuspecting public. The Bad Boys of Abridgment take you on a ninety-eight-minute roller-coaster ride through its compact compendium of the world’s great books in All the Great Books (abridged). Confused by Confucius? Thoroughly thrown by Thoreau? Wish Swift was swifter? Tennyson tinier? Then buckle up and hop aboard as the three cultural guerrillas of the Reduced Shakespeare Company zip through everything you didn’t get around to reading in school. Called a “trio of Modern Marx Brothers” by the Boston Herald and “intellectual vaudeville” by the New York Times, The Reduced Shakespeare Company is a touring American comedy troupe that performs fast-paced, seemingly improvisational condensations of huge topics. Click here to learn more at
CONTENT ADVISORY: In the spirit of Shakespeare’s comedies, RSC shows contain comic depictions of violence, mild innuendo, bawdy language, and the occasional rude word. All children (and parents) are different, so we’ve chosen to rate our shows PG-13: Pretty Good If You’re Thirteen.