2.05 Active Military Duty

Title: Student Active Military Duty
Number: AP 2.05
Adopted: August 2012
Reviewed: June 2024
Revised: June 2024

Nicolet College recognizes the contribution of the U.S. Armed Forces and those who are requested to work during a national or state emergency.  The following procedures have been adopted for students who are called into active service:

  1. Upon being notified, students should contact the Nicolet College Registrar who will guide the student through the process.  Students will be asked to provide a copy of their active duty orders.  If the student is unable to provide a copy in person, a parent, spouse, or other individual may submit a copy on their behalf. This may be done either in person, via fax or email, or through the U.S. mail.
  2. If the student is activated well into the academic term, they are encouraged to work with instructors individually to decide what to do about the balance of the academic term work. 
  3. If the academic term cannot be completed, a formal withdrawal process must be initiated by the student or their representative.  Students must officially withdraw to receive refunds of tuition and fees and may receive failing grades if they do not withdraw. Additionally, students who are using education benefits through the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) may be required to return funds to DVA and/or Nicolet College.
  4. The College will provide a refund of tuition and fees to the extent possible to students called into active service. Tuition and fee refunds will first be directed to repay Federal financial aid.  The student will then receive a refund check in the mail.
  5. The College will provide priority readmission to students who are ordered or inducted into active service. Admission back into the student's program will take place upon the student's request in the next possible academic term, depending upon program and course sequencing.  Furthermore, students who withdraw from all their courses as a result of being called to active military duty, and provide the appropriate documentation, will be readmitted with the same Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standing they had at the beginning of the term during which they withdrew. The withdrawal grades from the term in which the student’s active military duty occurred will not be included in any future SAP calculations.