2.07 Program Approval, Development, Suspension and Discontinuance

Title: Program Development, Approval, Suspension,
and Discontinuance
Number: AP 2.07
Adopted: August 2012
Reviewed: June 2024
Revised: June 2024

The Nicolet College program approval process will be based on demonstrated need, reasonable cost, and demonstrated outcomes to provide accountability and ensure collaboration among educational providers for the benefit of students and taxpayers.

New Program Development and Approval

New program development will follow the WTCS process outlined in the WTCS Educational Services Manual.

Local Technical Certificates will be developed using similar standards but will not require WTCS system approval. The Nicolet College President, or delegate, will approve any new programs in accordance with Board Policy New Program Approval and Program Suspension 2.10. The Nicolet College District Board of Trustees will be notified of any new programs developed.

Program Suspension and Discontinuance

Nicolet College continually monitors programs to ensure the programs meet student, transfer, and employer needs. When a program is no longer effective, the College can take steps to suspend or discontinue the program.

Suspension means that the College no longer accepts students into the program, but makes a reasonable effort to assist program enrolled students to develop an alternate completion plan or to set appropriate educational goals. Discontinuance means that the WTCS Board officially removes the program in accordance with the WTCS Educational Services Manual.

Nicolet College administration will notify the District Board of Trustees whenever a program suspension is proposed. The notification will include an overview of student support for currently enrolled students and a recommendation on whether an attempt should be made to improve the program or discontinue it. The College will follow the program suspension and discontinuance process outlined in the WTCS Educational Services Manual.