1.12 Withdrawal & Refund

Reviewed & Updated: August 2024

Withdrawing from a Course 

Students may withdraw from a course prior to 75% of the course duration.  All course withdrawals must be submitted on a withdrawal form.  The course withdrawal form must be received by a student's success coach or the Registrar's office by 4:00 p.m. on or before the course withdrawal deadline. A grade of “W” will appear on the transcript. Failure to submit a withdrawal form by the deadline will result in a final grade as determined by the grading policy of the course. 

Withdrawing from one or more courses may affect your full-time/part-time status and may affect your program eligibility, financial aid status, verification for insurance, your progress toward graduation, and/or other types of funding (e.g., military education benefits). We strongly encourage you to consult with your instructor, the Financial Aid Office, and your academic advisor before withdrawing from your course(s). 

Financial Aid 

Students that receive Federal financial aid must academically engage in their courses to maintain eligibility. Should a student  withdraw from a course that they have not academically engaged in, the Nicolet College Financial Aid Office is required to recalculate the student's Federal Pell award and return any unearned funds to the Department of Education on the student's behalf. As a result, a debt will have been created and the student will be responsible for making payment arrangements with the Nicolet College Business Office. For information on academic engagement, see the Participation policy, Student Policy 3.3 . Additional implications for financial aid are addressed in the 'Withdrawing from the College' section.  


The refund policy at Nicolet College maintains compliance with Wisconsin Administrative Code TCS 10. Students are eligible for a partial refund of tuition and fees if they withdraw based on the timing of withdrawal as follows: 

  • 100% refund if withdrawal is received prior to the start of the course* 

  • 80% refund if withdrawal is received before 10% of the course’s total hours of instruction have been conducted 

  • 60% refund if withdrawal is received after 10% but before 20% of the course’s total hours of instruction have been conducted 

  • 0% if withdrawal is received after 20% of the course’s total hours of instruction have been conducted 

*Students should reference their schedule to identify the course start and refund dates. 

If a student is enrolled in both a pre-requisite and advanced course, the student may be eligible for a 100% refund for the advanced course if the student is unable to meet the pre-requisite requirement AND the advance course has not yet begun.  Students enrolled in a pre-requisite that can be completed concurrently with another course are not eligible for this refund. Students must notify staff that they wish to withdraw or drop a course to be eligible for the refund.  

Course swaps 

Within the add/drop period*, the student may choose to add equal or additional credits to swap for a dropped/withdrawn course.  In this case, the paid tuition and fees for the dropped/withdrawn course will be applied to those additional credits.  If the student adds on more credits or if the fees are not equal, then the student will owe the additional tuition and/or fees for those additional credits or fees. 

No swap is allowed if a student chooses to drop/withdraw from a course and add on a course of lesser credit value.  In this scenario, the refund (if any) for the course that the student has dropped/withdrawn is calculated at the standard refund rate.  

*Add/drop period varies by program and modality. Check with your success coach regarding add/drop periods. 

Extenuating Circumstances Withdraw and Refund Appeal 

Students may appeal their refund or request a late withdrawal due to extenuating circumstances. To appeal, a student must fill out the Extenuating Circumstances Withdrawal & Refund Appeal form found in the Document Center of the student portal.  Appeals must be received by the Registrar's Office within 30 days of the end of the term in which the refund/withdrawal is being requested. 

Withdrawing from the Term 

A student is considered to have officially withdrawn from the term if they have withdrawn from all courses. Leaving the College during a term without written withdrawal may result in failing grades and could jeopardize future attendance at this or other higher education institutions. Student should contact their Success Coach if they plan to withdraw. Any student intending to leave Nicolet College before completing their goals is encouraged to explore the decision with the assistance of an instructor, Success Coach, or other College personnel. A thorough discussion of College resources and alternative options may alter the need to withdraw. Information concerning Financial Aid Title IV Refunds and withdrawing from all courses with no passing grades can be found by visiting www.nicoletcollege.edu/cost-aid/financial-aid-policies.