The unique and thought-provoking art created by Ken Juon will be on display in the Nicolet College Art Gallery with an opening reception to meet the artist schedule for 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 13, in the Art Gallery.
Juon uses words as the primary medium on his painted wooden panels.
Persevering through a pandemic, serious supply chain issues, and a myriad of other challenges has paid off at Nicolet as the college celebrates October as Manufacturing Month with a fully functional Birchwoods Center which now houses all manufacturing disciplines under one roof.
Anyone interested in seeing firsthand the training available for careers in the health care field is invited to attend the Health Occupations Open House from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, at Nicolet College.
The free event will take place in the Health Occupations labs and classrooms located
The intertwined history, background, experiences, and identities of Northwoods residents will be in the spotlight when Nicolet College presents its second annual TEDx event Friday, Sept. 30.
The event will run from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Nicolet College Theatre. Origin Stories: Reflections From
While some fall classes have already started at Nicolet, the college still has numerous start dates coming up in numerous academic programs that are now being offered in the highly-flexible competency-based education format, also known as CBE.
“One of the great aspects of these classes is that
Anyone interested in exploring their creative interests in a relaxing and inspiring Northwoods setting is invited to attend the upcoming School of the Arts Sept. 15 to 18 in Rhinelander.
Over the four-day event those attending will have the opportunity to participate in more than 20 different
Dozens of different arts events and personal interest learning opportunities will be available at Nicolet College in coming months with the launch of the new Arts and Enrichment slate of events and activities.
“All of these events and activities give people the opportunity to pursue new areas of