Board Appointment Process

Nicolet College is governed by a nine-member District Board appointed by the Iron, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida, and Vilas County Board Chairs. Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute, the District Board consists of two employer members, two employee members, three additional members, one elected official member who holds a state or local office, and one school district administrator. Board members serve staggered three-year terms.

Each year, three members are appointed to serve three-year terms beginning July 1. The annual appointment process typically begins in February or March. Board members are not paid except for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

In the appointment process, equal consideration is given to the general population distribution within the Nicolet College District, as well as to the distribution of women and minorities. Consideration is also given to representatives of business and industry as required for employer and employee representatives. NOTE: No two members of the Nicolet College District Board may be officials of the same governmental unit, nor may any district board member be a member of the school board that employs the school district administrator member. All applicants are eligible to apply and be considered for the additional member category.

All applicants must meet the following to be eligible for appointment

  1. The applicant must reside within the Nicolet College District.
  2. The applicant must submit a completed and signed, Affidavit of Qualifications for WTCS District Board Membership, within 14 days of publication of the official announcement.
  3. The applicant must submit at least two letters of reference supporting their candidacy.
  4. The applicant must attend an appointment meeting/public hearing and be interviewed.

Related Links
Legal Notice
Primary Responsibilities of Board Members
Plan of Representation (PDF)
NATC District Map (PDF)
Wisconsin Technical College System Overview (PDF)

District Board Training Video

Questions about the Board of Trustees and/or the application process can be directed to:

Kris Peeters
Senior Executive Assistant | President’s Office and Board of Trustees
Nicolet Area Technical College
PO Box 518
Rhinelander, WI  54501