Title: District Board of Trustees Responsibilities and Election of Officers
Number: BP 2.03
Adopted: May 1992
Reviewed: February 2024
Revised: February 2024
Role of the District Board
The Nicolet Area Technical College District Board of Trustees (Board) ensures that the College is well-managed and supports an environment in which the College will accomplish its mission. The success of the Board depends on each Trustee exercising responsibility through positive action while performing the following functions:
- Be familiar with and supportive of the College mission and vision.
- Hire and evaluate the College President.
- Be knowledgeable concerning the organization of the Wisconsin Technical College System and applicable state statutes.
- Participate effectively at Board meetings through appropriate preparation, regular attendance, active participation in Board discussions and service on ad hoc committees or other Board tasks.
- Support decisions made by Board action.
- Set an example for the College by performing duties and fulfilling responsibilities in a manner that encourages excellence in all undertakings of the College.
- Be knowledgeable concerning College programs, organization, facilities, instructional programs, budget, and key processes.
- Be familiar with major district, state, and national issues affecting the College.
- Ratify all contracts to provide educational services (training and technical assistance) via a summary report.
- Ratify collective bargaining agreements.
Many opportunities exist for professional development. Appointees and other Board
Trustees are encouraged to participate in meetings of the Wisconsin Technical College District Boards Association, and other professional development activities or events related to Board duties and responsibilities.
Election of Officers
Nicolet Area Technical College has a nine-member District Board of Trustees (Board) with Trustees serving three-year staggered terms. Each year, three Trustees are appointed by a committee consisting of the county board chairpersons of the counties in the Nicolet College District. Wis. Stats. 38.08 require a District plan of representation for the Board, which must consist of two employer Trustees, two employee Trustees, three additional Trustees, one elected official who holds a state or local office, and one school district administrator. In addition, the plan of representation shall give equal consideration to the general population distribution within the District and the distribution of women and minorities within the District. District Board appointments are reviewed by the Wisconsin Technical College System Board to ensure compliance with the District plan of representation and Wis. Stats. 38.10.
The Board shall hold its annual organizational meeting on the second Monday in July as required by statute. At this time, it shall elect from among its Trustees a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall be the officers of the Nicolet Area Technical College District. No person may serve as Chairperson for more than two (2) successive annual terms.
The current Chairperson will convene the annual organizational meeting in July. The current Chairperson shall conduct the election by soliciting nominations from the Trustees for officers. In order for a name to be placed in nomination for any of the above-named offices, a motion is required. The Chairperson will call for the closing of the nominations and a vote will be taken. The votes will be tallied by the President or designee, and the results will be announced to the full Board.
The election of officers will be conducted in the following order: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. A majority vote of the quorum that is present is required, and in case of a tie, votes shall be recast. In the case of two consecutive tie votes, the nominations will be reopened.
At the conclusion of the elections, the newly elected officers shall assume their duties.
Role of Chairperson
The Chairperson is elected by the Board at the annual meeting. As the elected leader of the Board, the Chairperson shall maintain the integrity of the Board's process and represent the Board to outside parties.
- The Chairperson is the only Board Trustee authorized to speak for the Board (beyond simply reporting Board decisions), other than in rare and specifically authorized instances.
- The Chairperson shall ensure the Board and individual Board Trustees act consistently with the Board's own rules and policies and those legitimately imposed upon the Board from outside the College.
- The Chairperson shall preside at Board meetings in an efficient and effective manner and shall set the general tone for each meeting through positive leadership.
- Deliberation will be fair, open, and thorough but also efficient, timely, orderly, and to the point, utilizing the most current version of Robert's Rules of Order.
- Prior to a vote, the Chairperson will facilitate discussion among Board Trustees.
- The Chairperson will encourage regular attendance at Board functions and other College activities.
- The Chairperson will assign a Trustee to serve on the Nicolet College Foundation Board. The Trustee shall assign a designee in the event that they are unable to attend a meeting.
- The Chairperson is responsible for the Board/President relationship and shall communicate and interact with the President. However, since the President is accountable to the entire Board, the Chairperson has no authority to unilaterally supervise or direct the President.
- The Chairperson shall ensure that other Board Trustees are informed of current and pending Board issues and processes.
- The Chairperson shall work with the College President to arrange for orientation of new Board Trustees.
- The Chairperson may appoint members of ad hoc committees, if established by the Board.
- If needed, the Chairperson shall convene the Executive Committee (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer) to act as an ad-hoc committee.
- The Chairperson shall ensure compliance with all required duties imposed by law.
- The Chairperson, or the Chairperson's designee, shall communicate with the public as required by law with respect to providing public notice of all Board meetings. The Chairperson may delegate the function of providing notice but may not delegate the responsibility.
- The Chairperson, working with legal counsel, shall prosecute all necessary legal actions in the name of the District for the recovery of damages, money, penalty, or forfeiture.
- The Chairperson shall appoint members of the Board of Trustees to represent the College in the Wisconsin Technical College District Boards Association.
- The Chairperson, with the assistance of the President, will create an annual work plan for the Board of Trustees.
Role of Vice Chairperson
The Vice Chairperson is elected by the Board.
- The Vice Chairperson shall have all of the authority and duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson.
- The Vice Chairperson shall have other authority and duties as the Board may determine.
- The Vice Chairperson, or designee, shall be responsible for an annual Board development plan which shall be approved by the entire Board.
Role of Secretary
The Secretary is elected by the Board.
- The Secretary is designated as the official custodian of all official records of the District. The Secretary delegates the day-to-day maintenance of the custody of the records to the Executive Assistant to the Board but may not delegate the responsibility.
- The Secretary shall sign official documents and contracts on behalf of the District as determined by the Board.
- The Secretary shall ensure that a record and official minutes of all meetings of the Board are maintained
- Where a function is assigned to the clerk of a governmental unit, and the District is designated as one of such governmental units, such function shall be performed by the Secretary.
- On or before the first Monday in March for expired terms, or within thirty (30) days of the date on which a vacancy on the Board occurs, the Secretary or designee shall ensure that each member of the Appointment Committee, each governing body having a member on the Appointment Committee, and the
Board, are notified of the vacancy or of terms of office which will expire during the year.
- Annually by October 31 of each year, or within ten (10) days after receipt of the equalized valuations from the Department of Revenue, whichever is later, the Secretary shall ensure that a certified statement showing the amount of the levy and the proportionate amount of the tax to be spread upon the tax rolls for collection in each city, village, and town is filed with the clerk of each city, village, and town, any part of which is located in the District.
- In the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary shall call the Board meeting to order and shall serve as Chairperson while the Board elects a Chairperson Pro Tempore.
Role of Treasurer
The Treasurer is elected by the Board.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt of all public funds. Day-to-day management of the College budget, including procurement of goods and services, and receipt, disbursement, and investment of funds, shall be delegated to the President of the College per Nicolet College Board Policy 3.01 and per Wis. Stats. 38.12(2).
• The Treasurer shall oversee the District Board’s annual operating budget.
Role of District Board Committee
The District Board shall operate as a committee of the whole.
- The Board may establish ad hoc committees when, in the judgment of the Board, such ad hoc committees are appropriate and required for the completion of a specific project or task. When such ad hoc committees are formed, the Board shall approve a statement of the committee's charge as well as a timeline for the completion of the committee's work.
- The Chairperson shall appoint the members of the ad hoc committees and name the committee's chair from among its members. When appropriate to the committee's task, its members may include persons from the staff or the community.
- It is the responsibility of ad hoc committees to complete the assigned task and to prepare a written report or to deliver an oral report to the full Board. When this task is completed, the committee shall be discharged.
- Ad hoc committees do not exercise control or authority over the President or the staff.
- Ad hoc committees have no independent authority or power to act in lieu of the Board except when formally given such authority for specific and time-limited purposes.