Title: Board Professional Development
Number: BP 2.18
Adopted: March 2017
Reviewed: January 2025
Revised: January 2025
The Nicolet College District Board recognizes that ongoing education and development for its members is of value to the College. To that end, the board encourages wide participation in Wisconsin Technical College District Boards Association activities. Participation in other appropriate development activities, including conferences and workshops, is also encouraged. To responsibly manage the time and dollars invested in board development, these principles and procedures are adopted:
- A calendar of board conferences, conventions, and workshops will be maintained by the Executive Assistant to the District Board. The board may periodically review development opportunities and identify those that appear likely to produce direct and substantive benefits to the college.
- Board members desiring to attend conferences, conventions, or workshops will indicate such interest to the Executive Assistant to the District Board or the President of the College and provide a summary of objectives. The Board Chairperson shall be informed of this interest and determine whether the request can be supported. Determining factors include the anticipated value to the college and the budget dollars available.
- Participation in out-of-state meetings and conferences will be limited to one or two board members per function unless special circumstances exist or the board chairperson determines that additional participation will significantly benefit the college.
- Board members shall be willing to provide a summary of their development activities at a subsequent board meeting.
- In consultation with the Board Chairperson, the President shall establish a budget or budgets for board travel and development as part of the annual budget process. Participation in District Boards Association activities shall be given priority, but additional funding for other board development activities may be allocated based on need and availability of funds.
- Travel, lodging, registration, and other necessary arrangements will be made through the Executive Assistant to the Board and the President's Office. Board members will be reimbursed for their travel expenses according to existing policy and state statute.
Board members in their final year of service and those who are not planning to apply for reappointment should ask to attend out-of-state meetings and conferences only with compelling justification.