2.17 Public Input

Title: Public Input
Number: BP 2.17 
Adopted: November 2016 Reviewed:  January 2025
Revised:  January 2025

In accordance with Wis. Stats. 19.81-19.98 Nicolet College District Board meetings are open to the public. Meetings are to be conducted in accordance with the published agenda.

The Board may provide time for public input at a specific point in its regular meetings and will notice such time on agendas and meeting notices. 

Such public input periods are not considered public hearings or a forum for public debate. The statute prohibits the Board from discussing or taking action on an item raised during the public input period if the item does not already appear on the meeting agenda. 

The opportunity for public input follows a specified procedure and guidelines including: 

  1. By 2:00 p.m. the day of the Board meeting, individuals who wish to address the Board must inform the Executive Assistant to the Board. The Board Chair will determine the amount of time devoted to public input at any meeting and may establish a maximum number of individuals to be heard. 
  2. Only individuals signed in to offer public input will be invited by the Board Chair to speak. Individuals will be required to identify themselves prior to their commentary and to limit their remarks to topics listed on the speaker’s form. Comments on additional topics are not permitted and may be ruled out of order by the Board Chair. 
  3. Individuals shall be limited to three minutes and speak only once during the public comment period. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Board Chair. Brevity will be appreciated. 
  4. Individuals should not expect to engage in dialogue or discussion with members of the Board on any matters raised during the public input period, as this would violate statute as described in Wis. Stat. 19.84. Board members have no obligation to respond to questions or statements. 
  5. Individuals may not engage in debate or dialogue with any other person at the meeting. 

Speech shall be prohibited that is defamatory, obscene according to current legal standards, or which so incites others as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on or to college property or the violation of college policies or procedures, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the College. 

The Board Chair may require any attendee who engages in the aforementioned behavior to leave the meeting. If necessary, campus security or law enforcement will assist in removing such individuals. 

Before removal, a warning, and a request that the person(s) curtail the disruptive activity will be made by the Chairperson of the District Board. If the behavior continues, the person(s) may be removed by a vote of the District Board, based on a finding that the person is violating this policy.