Title: Board Travel
Number: BP 2.07
Adopted: September 2009
Reviewed: January 2025
Revised: January 2025
The Board Chair authorizes travel requests and ensures that sufficient funds are available for travel and expenses. Board members shall be reimbursed for travel costs and other expenses incurred in conjunction with the performance of job-related responsibilities and authorized board business. To be eligible for reimbursement, expenses must be claimed in accordance with established administrative procedures and shall reflect compliance with the following provisions:
Travel Requests and Prior Approval
All out-of-district, overnight in-district, and out-of-state, and international travel by board members must have prior approval by the President in concert with the Board Chair. In the case of the Board Chair requesting travel, the request to travel must be approved by the Board Vice Chair. Requests must be submitted to the Business Office a minimum of two weeks prior to travel if requesting a travel advance.
Reimbursement is allowed for expenditures incurred for lodging and transportation costs while on official board business. Reimbursement will be made only for expenses which are actual, reasonable, and necessary. Meal expenses will be reimbursed via the M&IE per diem rates established by the General Services Administration (GSA) of the federal government. These rates vary by geographic location and can be found on the GSA web page under Per Diem Rates. The Board Chair has final determination of reimbursable expenditures. Reimbursement for travel shall be reviewed by the Business Office to determine compliance with this policy.
Mode of Transportation
All transportation shall be planned with the principles of fiscal austerity and energy conservation in mind. Board members planning travel to the same destination must coordinate transportation arrangements; carpooling when auto travel is appropriate. Failure to carpool when applicable could result in non-reimbursement for transportation costs.
The selection of transportation used shall be the most efficient and least expensive means of reaching the intended destination (e.g. air, train, or auto). Reimbursement will be at the least expensive rate regardless of the mode of transportation selected.
Mileage Expense
Expenses for mileage will be reimbursed in accordance with rates established in Administrative Policy AP 5.03 Travel and Expense Reimbursement. Mileage that meets the criteria outlined in “Transportation” will be reimbursed at the approved mileage reimbursement rate.
Meal Expense
Expenses for meals will be reimbursed in accordance with GSA per diem rates as established in Administrative Policy AP 5.03 Travel and Expense Reimbursement.
Board members will not be reimbursed for any over expenditure. Meal reimbursement will be allowed as follows:
Breakfast – must leave home before 6:00 am
Lunch – departure must be before 10:30 am and return after 2:30 pm
Dinner – return must be after 7:00 pm
If an overnight stay is not involved, reimbursed meals are taxable to the Board member, per IRS regulations. If a Board member pays for another person’s taxable meals, the payer will be taxed for the full amount that they are reimbursed, per IRS regulations. To avoid this situation, all Board members should pay separately and be reimbursed for their own meals.
Out-of-state meals per diems must follow GSA guidelines. The College does not reimburse for the incidental rates listed under the GSA guidelines.
Lodging Expense
The maximum lodging reimbursement rate for in-state travel without prior approval of the Board Chair is the GSA rate. Hotel costs within the state must be at the appropriate GSA rates unless attending a conference at a hotel with no state rate discount. Board members must present the Tax-Exempt Form to hotels within the state. The College does not reimburse for taxes paid in-state.
The maximum lodging reimbursement rate for out-of-state travel must follow the GSA guidelines. A Board member will not be paid for any over expenditure unless prior approval is granted by the President in concert with the Board Chair. . Itemized receipts are required for lodging reimbursement.
Non-Reimbursable Expenditures Includes, but not limited to the following:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Spouse, family members, and guest travel costs
- Cancellation charges (unless fully justified)
- Lost/stolen cash or personal property
- Personal items (e.g. toiletries, luggage, clothing, etc.)
- Traffic citations, parking tickets and other fines
- Mileage charges incurred for personal reasons (e.g. sightseeing, side trips, etc.)
- Repairs, towing service, etc. for personal vehicle, regardless of whether it results from the Board Member’s act or acts of others
- Additional charges for late checkout
- Taxi fares to and from restaurants
- Meals included in the cost of registration fees or airfare
- Flight insurance
- Pay-for-view movies in the motel room; personal entertainment
- Child care and/or kennel costs
- Political contributions or expenses
- Gifts
- Laundry
*This list is not all-inclusive
Expense Advances
Board members shall be entitled to receive advances for anticipated expenses with prior approval of the President in concert with the Board Chair. The minimum travel advance is $50. Advance requests must be in the Business Office two weeks prior to travel.
Reimbursements for Expenses Provided by Other Organizations
Reimbursements for expenses provided by other organizations for travel on Board business shall be disclosed on reimbursement claims and will not be reimbursed by the College.
Board members shall be reimbursed for telephone expenses when incurred for Board purposes. Such calls shall be itemized. Personal phone calls charged to the hotel bills must be deducted from requested reimbursement or paid to the hotel directly.
Requests for travel and expense reimbursement shall be submitted on the approved form and shall be signed by the person making the request certifying that these expenses are actual, reasonable and necessary; that they were incurred in the performance of official duties, and that no portion of the claim was provided free of charge, was previously reimbursed by the District, or was reimbursed by a person or organization other than the District. Travel form can be requested from Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees.
All reimbursement requests must attach an agenda, registration, or other forms as documentation of meals provided by the event.
International Travel
All requests for international travel must be accompanied by a written letter specifying how attendance will benefit the District, along with supporting documentation. In concert with the President, the Board Chair will provide approval or disapproval and inform all Board members of the decision.
Violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate action as determined by the Nicolet College Board of Trustees.