Title: Student Representation
Number: BP 2.06
Adopted: January 1987
Reviewed: February 2024
Revised: February 2024
The Nicolet Area Technical College District Board of Trustees (Board) recognizes the important contributions Nicolet College students make to developing policy and representing the needs and interests of students from the entire community. Student representation provides input into the disposition of student activity and incidental fees under Wis. Stats. 38.14(9). Student representation on the Board brings a student perspective to College decision making.
Student Representation on the Board
A student shall be selected to represent Nicolet students to serve a one-year term. The student representative must be continuously enrolled while serving in the position. The student is a non-voting appointed member of the Board. The student representative shall be seated at the Board table during all open Board meetings and shall serve as a liaison on behalf of the student body on educational matters, student life, and activities.
The President or designee seeks recommendations for a Student Representative to the Board. Recommendations may be made by anyone, including self-nomination, but will typically be made by College employees whose positions involve significant interaction with students. Criteria for selection include interest, availability at regular Board meeting times, and intent to continue as a Nicolet student for at least two terms from the appointment date.
The student representative may be appointed to committees of the Board (i.e., presidential search), provided no committee member objects in writing to the Board Chair. The student representative may participate in board discussion but may not enter into any closed session of the Board or vote on any resolutions or motions before the Board per Wis. Stats. 38.145.
The student representative has the rights of any citizen in the District. However, they must clearly communicate to the Board when they are expressing views or opinions as a citizen.