2.20 Policy on Board Policies

Title: Policy on Board Policies
Number BP 2.20
Adopted: February 2025
Reviewed: February 2025
Revised: February 2025

In order for the policies created by the Nicolet College Board of Trustees to support the mission of Nicolet College, board policies shall follow these guidelines.

Structure and format

All board policies will identify: the policy title, the policy number, the date of adoption, the date of last review, the date of revision.

The body of the policy will include a rationale for the policy and assure compliance with relevant federal, state, or local laws or regulations.

Consistent language and terminology

All board policies will use consistent and standardized language and acronyms across all policies. This will include college, name, position titles, college units, federal and state departments and federal and state laws and regulations.

Policy ownership

All board policies are the responsibility of the Nicolet College Board of Trustees. Trustees are responsible that board policies are up to date, in compliance with relevant laws, and followed by the college. The president is responsible for the housing and administration of board polices.

Regular review process

All board policies will be reviewed at least every three years through an established annual calendar determined by the board chair and college president.  Additional reviews may be initiated when needed as determined by the board chair and college president.

The board policy review process will comprehensively examine the policy following a framework of review established by the board chair and president. The process will involve trustees and appropriate college staff. The review will include assurance that policies align with relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Communication plan

The review and adoption of new or revised board policies will be noticed in the board agendas and published through all legally required external channels and through regular college internal channels. The minutes of the board of trustee meetings will reflect changes and adoption of board policies. The president will be responsible for communicating board policies changes to the staff.

Exception to handling procedures

If an exception to the board policy is anticipated or has occurred, the board chair and college president will confer to determine the appropriate course of action. The chair and president will notify the entire board when an exception is anticipated or has occurred and the plan to address it.


All board policies will be located on the Nicolet College website. The president is responsible for publicizing board policies, as well as maintaining the records associated with board policy development, adoption, and revision.