Title: Policy Adoption
Number: BP 2.01
Adopted: March 2001
Reviewed: February 2024
Revised: February 2024
The Nicolet Area Technical College District Board of Trustees (Board) provides leadership, guidance, and direction for the governance of the College. Only policies relating to governance, fiscal responsibility, equal opportunity, and safety and security are the responsibility of the Board. The Board policies shall require a majority of the Board membership for adoption. The formal adoption of the policies shall be recorded in Board minutes.
The Board delegates the following Board responsibilities to the College:
- Apply for and spend grant funds from the Wisconsin Technical College System Board.
- Establish the handling and reporting requirements of State Aids consistent with Wis. Stats. 38.28.
- Oversee the sale of articles manufactured by the College at market value per Board Policy 2.15 Products and Services Provided by the District and and Wis. Stats. 38.14(7).
- Maintain accreditation.
- Establish admission requirements consistent with Wis. Stats. 38.22.
- Coordinate, with the Department of Public Instruction and local school boards, the responsibility for providing technical training to pupils attending high school and for providing education to persons who have dropped out of high school.
- Adopt rules providing nonacademic misconduct disciplinary sanctions for any student who engages in an activity, on College property or at a College sponsored event, that constitutes a violation of ch. 961, Wis. Stats., controlled substances.
- Develop and sign Wis. Stats. 38.14(3) contracts to provide educational and technical assistance services.
- Ensure compliance with qualifications of educational employees consistent with state and local Faculty Quality Assurance Standards and other applicable certification requirements per TCS 3.05.
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 38.12(2) and Board Policy 3.01 College Budget Process and Fiscal Accountability, the Board Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt of all public funds of the District and is accountable for such funds. Although the Treasurer must maintain responsibility for these funds, they delegate their custody to the President of the College.
As defined in Wis. Stats. 66.0603(2), a technical college District may delegate the investment authority over any of its funds not immediately needed to a state or national bank, or trust company, authorized to transact business in this state.