Reviewed & Updated: August 2024

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, commonly known as FERPA, is a federal policy related to the privacy of your student records. By federal law, Nicolet is NOT allowed to release information from your student file, without your specific written consent. This federal policy applies to all students at Nicolet, regardless of the student's age. If you want or need any protected information released to a third party (a parent, an employer, another agency, another school, etc.), you must sign the Authorization for the Release of Confidential Information (FERPA) form. 

Some information, known as directory information, CAN be released.  Nicolet does not disclose any directory information for marketing or solicitation purposes, with the sole exception of the Nicolet College Foundation for Foundation-related activities. 

The College has defined Directory Information as the following: 

  • Name 

  • Address* 

  • Phone number* 

  • Enrollment status 

  • Date of birth 

  • Major field of study 

  • Classification and year 

  • Dates of enrollment 

  • Expected graduation date 

  • Types of degrees/diplomas/certificates and date granted 

  • Academic honors/awards received and date granted 

  • Photos/videos of students for use in College press releases, publications, and web sites 

  • Nicolet College assigned student email addresses 

*Indicates Limited Directory Information 

Limited Directory Information Nicolet designates address and phone numbers as limited directory information only. This information is only eligible for release to the Nicolet College Foundation for Foundation-related activities and to the National Student Clearinghouse for compliance and reporting purposes. 

If you want to RESTRICT the release of this directory information, you must sign the Request to Restrict Disclosure of Directory Information form. 

See Administrative Policy 2.02 Privacy of Records – Release of Information for more detailed information.