5.5 Alcohol and Drug Abuse

The College will adhere to all federal, state, tribal, and local laws concerning the use of alcohol and other drugs and will support efforts to address violations of these laws.  

The College recognizes that the use of alcohol and other drugs may impair performance or safety, may interfere with proper functioning or behavior, and in certain instances leads to dependency. The College also recognizes that such chemical dependency is a serious illness. An employee or student needing help with dependency is encouraged to seek the appropriate medical and other community resources. 

Possession, manufacturing, sale, distribution, unauthorized use, or being under the influence of controlled substances, illicit drugs, or alcohol by anyone while on College-controlled property, at any College-sponsored or -related activity, or while operating a College-owned/leased vehicle is strictly prohibited. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action. For more information, refer to Administrative Policy 4.05 Alcohol and Drug Use